Installation instruction:
Please clone my repo
Please navigate to cc folder using a terminal
run - composer install
run - docker-compose up
All endpoints returns Json Data. use belows url to test: GET - GET - GET -
Please navigate to angular folder
do npm install
ng serve --open
If you need to change API ip address then please change in api.service.ts file
Explanation: I have created 1 service(sales). Sales service has it's own database so that they can be easily deployed on the separate server. It is using the postgreSQL database. It is using slim framework for rest API. You can find the database structure file in postgres/docker-entrypoint-initdb/init.sql.
All codes written by me you will find into below folders. \cc\SalesService
\cc\src\Common \cc\app\routes.php \angular \resultsPlease let me know if you have questions or need a help to setup.