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Endon is an Elixir library that provides helper functions for Ecto, with inspiration from Ruby on Rails' ActiveRecord. It's designed to be used within a module that is an Ecto.Schema and provides helpful functions.

But why, Ecto is great

Yes, Ecto is great! But there are a few things that are really annoying, and a little syntactic sugar can go a long way. See the Features page for more info.

What does Endon mean?

"Ecto" is a prefix from Greek έκτός (ektós) meaning "outside". The opposite of Ecto is "Endon" (Greek ἔνδον) means "within, inner, absorbing, or containing". Why the opposite of Ecto? No good reason at all; naming is hard.


To install Endon, just add an entry to your mix.exs:

def deps do
    # ...
    {:endon, "~> 1.0"}

(Check Hex to make sure you're using an up-to-date version number.)


In your config/config.exs you can set a few options:

config :endon,
  repo: MyModule.Repo

The repo should be the name of the Ecto.Repo in your application. You can alternatively set this per schema module.


To get started, add use Endon to each module where you'd like to use it. For example:

defmodule User do
  use Endon
  # or, give the Repo module:
  # use Endon, repo: MyApp.Repo

  use Ecto.Schema

  schema "users" do
    field :name, :string
    field :age, :integer, default: 0
    has_many :posts, Post

Once Endon has been included, you can immediately use the helpful methods.

# get all users
user = User.all()

# get first user
user = User.first()

# get a user by id
user = User.find(1)

# Iterate through all users in the DB efficiently (paginated, results are queried in
# batches) and process them using a Stream
Enum.each(User.stream_where(), &User.do_some_processing/1)

# get a user by an attribute
user = User.find_by(name: "billy")

# get the count of users
count = User.count()

# create a new user
user = User.create!(name: "snake", age: 12)

# update that user
User.update!(user, age: 23)

# find all users that match criteria and preload Posts
User.where([age: 23], preload: :posts)

# page through all users in batches
User.find_in_batches(fn batch ->
  # we'll have a batch of 1,000 users here
  Enun.each(batch, fn user ->

Running Tests

To run tests:

$> mix test

Reporting Issues

Please report all issues on GitHub.