- Fastify by Matteo Collina, Tomas Della Vedova, and others (2016)
- Firebase by Firebase (acquired by Google) (2012)
- Supabase by Supabase Team (2020)
- Babel by Babel Team (2014)
- Browserify by James Halliday (2011, Last release was in 2020.)
- Grunt by Ben Alman and contributors (2016)
- Gulp by Fractal, Inc. and the open-source community (2013)
- Parcel by Devs (2017)
- Rollup by Rich Harris (2015)
- Vite by Evan You, Vite Team (2020)
- webpack by Tobias Koppers, Sean Larkin, and Webpack contributors (2012)
- Bootstrap by Twitter, Inc. (2011)
- Bulma by Jeremy Thomas (2016)
- Materialize by Materialize Team (2022)
- MVP.css by Andy Brewer (2020)
- Panda by Panda CSS Team (2023)
- Pure by Yahoo Inc. (2013)
- Spectre.css by Yan Zhu (2016)
- spruce by Matthew Phillips (2021)
- Tailwind CSS by Adam Wathan, Jonathan Reinink, David Hemphill, Steve Schoger (2017)
- xstyled by Brent Jackson and xstyled contributors (2019)
- Cloudflare by Cloudflare, Inc. (2010)
- GitHub Pages by GitHub, Inc. (2008)
- Netlify by Netlify Team (2015)
- Render by Render Team (2019)
- Vercel by Vercel Inc. (2015)
- a11y (Accessibility) (1999)
- i18n (internationalization) by IBM (1970)
- SEO by Danny Sullivan (1997)
- Docusaurus by Facebook (2017)
- docz by docz Contributors (2018)
- Nextra by Shuding (2021)
- Storybook by Chroma, Storybook Maintainers (2016)
- VitePress by VitePress Team (2020)
- VuePress by VuePress Team (2018)
- Angular by Misko Hevery and Adam Abrons (2016)
- AngularJS by Misko Hevery and Adam Abrons (2010 - 2021, Replaced by Angular)
- Astro by Astro (2021)
- Backbone.js by Jeremy Ashkenas (2010)
- Electron by GitHub (2013)
- Ember.js by Ember.js Contributors (2011)
- Flutter by Google (2017)
- Gatsby by Kyle Mathews and the Gatsby team (2015)
- Ionic by Max Lynch, Ben Sperry, and Adam Bradley (2012)
- Meteor.js by Meteor Development Group (2012)
- NestJS by NestJS Team (2017)
- Next.js by Vercel (2016)
- Nuxt.js by Nuxt.js Team (2016)
- Quasar by Razvan Stoenescu (2016)
- Qwik by Builder.io (2023)
- React Native by Facebook (2015)
- React by Facebook (2013)
- Remix by Remix Team (2021)
- reveal.js by Hakim El Hattab (2013)
- SolidJS by Ryan Carniato (2018)
- Svelte by Rich Harris (2016)
- Vue.js by Evan You (2014)
- Font Awesome by Fonticons, Inc. (2012)
- Heroicons by Tailwind Labs (2020)
- react-icons by React Icons Team (2016)
- CoffeeScript by Jeremy Ashkenas (2009, Last release was in 2022.)
- CSS by W3C (1996)
- HTML by Tim Berners-Lee (1993)
- JavaScript by Brendan Eich (1995)
- Less by Less Team (2009)
- Sass by Hampton Catlin, Nathan Weizenbaum, Chris Eppstein (2006)
- TypeScript by Microsoft, Anders Hejlsberg (2012)
- Anime.js by Julian Garnier (2016)
- Apollo by Geoff Schmidt (2016)
- Axios by Axios Community (2014)
- Cropper.js by Fengyuan Chen (2015)
- Framer Motion (2019)
- Greensock Animation Platform (GSAP) (2013)
- HTMX by Carson Gross (2020)
- jsdoc by jsdoc (2015)
- jsPDF by jsdoc (2014)
- Node Cron by Felix Böhm (2016)
- polished by Styled-components Team (2017)
- React by Facebook (2013)
- Relay by Facebook (2016)
- RxJS by RxJS Contributors (2015)
- Socket.IO by LearnBoost, Guillermo Rauch (2010)
- styled-components by Max Stoiber, Glen Maddern, Phil Plückthun (2016)
- SWR by Vercel (2019)
- TanStack Query by Tanstack (2014, Formerly known as React Query.)
- Tanstack Table by Tanstack (2014, Formerly known as React Table.)
- Tone.js by Yotam Mann, Contributors (2014)
- TSDX by Jared Palmer, Kyle Gill, Contributors (2019)
- upload.js by UPLOADCARE LLC (2021)
- Video.js by Brightcove, Contributors (2013)
- Viewer.js by Fengyuan Chen, Contributors (2015)
- yo by Yeoman Team (2014)
- TensorFlow.js by Google, TensorFlow.js Team (2018)
- ES2022 by Ecma International (2022)
- GraphQL by Facebook, Inc. (2015)
- JSON-RPC by Jeffrey Lee and others (2005)
- OAuth by OAuth Community (2007)
- REST by Roy Fielding (2000)
- SemVer by Tom Preston-Werner, Drew LeSueur (2011)
- Pinia by Eduardo San Martin Morote (2019)
- Redux Toolkit by Redux Team (2019)
- Redux-Saga by Yassine Elouafi (2015)
- Redux by Dan Abramov (2011)
- RefluxJS by Reflux Team (2014, Last release was in 2017.)
- XState by David Khourshid and XState contributors (2017)
- zustand by Paul Mendez and zustand contributors (2019)
- Eleventy by Zach Leatherman (2017)
- Hugo by Bjørn Erik Pedersen and contributors (2013)
- Jekyll by Tom Preston-Werner and contributors (2008)
- Nextra by Shuding (2021)
- VitePress by VitePress Team (2020)
- VuePress by VuePress Team (2018)
- EJS by TJ Holowaychuk (2011)
- Jade by TJ Holowaychuk and contributors (2010 - 2015, Renamed to Pug)
- Pug by Pug Team (2016, Formerly known as Jade. Last release was in 2021.)
- Chai by Chai.js Contributors (2011)
- Cypress by Cypress (2014)
- Enzyme by Airbnb (2015, Last release was in 2019.)
- Jasmine by Pivotal Labs and contributors (2009)
- Jest by Facebook, Inc. (2014)
- Karma by Vojta Jina (2013)
- Mocha by Mocha Team (2011)
- Playwright by Microsoft (2020)
- React Testing Library by Testing Library Team (2018)
- Sinon.JS by Christian Johansen, and Contributors (2015)
- Vitest by Vite Team (2021)
- Atom by GitHub (2013 - 2022)
- Sublime Text by Jon Skinner (2008)
- Visual Studio Code by Microsoft, Visual Studio Code Team (2015)
- Flow by Facebook (2014)
- TypeScript by Microsoft, Anders Hejlsberg (2012)
- Ant Design by Ant Group (2015)
- Chakra UI by Chakra UI Team (2020)
- Evergreen by Segment (2018)
- Flowbite by Themesberg (2021)
- Foundation by ZURB (2011)
- Headless UI by Tailwind Labs (2020)
- Material UI by Material-UI Team (2014)
- Radix UI by Modulz (2020)
- React Bootstrap by React Bootstrap Team (2018)
- Rebass by Rebass Team (2018)
- Tamagui by Tamagui Team (2022)
- AlertifyJS by Vitaliy Potapov (2015)
- Chart.js by Chart.js Contributors (2013)
- D3.js by Mike Bostock (2011)
- ECharts by Apache Software Foundation (2015)
- Formik by Jared Palmer (2017)
- Glide.js by Jedrzej Kurylo (2014)
- Highcharts by Highsoft AS (2014)
- Mantine by Mantine Team (2021)
- PixiJS by Goodboy Digital (2013)
- React Hook Form by React Hook Form Team (2019)
- React-Toastify by Furkan Özden (2017)
- Semantic UI by Semantic-Org (2013)
- sweetalert2 by Luis Fernando Alvarez, Contributors (2015)
- Three.js by Ricardo Cabello (Mr.doob), Contributors (2013)
- Immer by Michel Weststrate and contributors (2017)
- Immutable.js by Facebook, Inc. (2013)
- jQuery by John Resig and jQuery Team (2006)
- Lodash by Lodash Team (2012)
- Modernizr (2009)
- Ramda by Ramda Contributors (2014)
- Remeda (2018)
- Underscore.js by Jeremy Ashkenas, DocumentCloud, Investigative Reporters & Editors (2009)
- Bitbucket by Atlassian (2008)
- Git by Linus Torvalds and others (2005)
- GitHub by GitHub, Inc. (2008)
- GitLab by GitLab, Inc. (2011)
- DOM by W3C (1998)
- Service Worker by World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) (2014)
- WebRTC by World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) (2011)
- PWA by Web Community (2015)
- SPA by Lucas Birdeau, Kevin Hakman, Michael Peachey and Clifford Yeh (2003)
- SSR by Netscape (1995)
- Total terms: 199
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