OLEDVirtual is a virtual version of the oled library.
Its main purpose it to reduce the roundtrip time during development by fully virtualizing the oled display.
It also comes with a MultiDisplay
module to use both hardware and virtual display at the same time.
The package can be installed
by adding oled_virtual
to your list of dependencies in mix.exs
def deps do
{:oled_virtual, "~> 1.0"}
- Define the display module
defmodule MyApp.OledVirtual do
use OLEDVirtual.Display, app: :my_app
def on_display(data, dimensions) do
# React to new frames
payload = %{
data: data,
dimensions: dimensions
Phoenix.PubSub.broadcast(MyApp.PubSub, "oled-virtual", %{event: "on_display", payload: payload})
- Define the dimensions of the display
config :my_app, MyApp.OledVirtual,
width: 128,
height: 64
- Add the virtual display to your supervision tree.
defmodule MyApp.Application do
use Application
@impl true
def start(_type, _args) do
children = [
# Add this line
opts = [strategy: :one_for_one, name: MyApp.Supervisor]
Supervisor.start_link(children, opts)
- Use it
# Draw something
MyApp.OledVirtual.rect(0, 0, 127, 63)
MyApp.OledVirtual.line(0, 0, 127, 63)
MyApp.OledVirtual.line(0, 63, 127, 0)
# Display it!
The whole documentation can be found at https://hexdocs.pm/oled_virtual.