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A utility that persists state of a data pipeline execution and uses them to detect changes in models.


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THIS PROJECT IS ARCHIVED We started adding a lot of custom code that was specific to our company infrastructure so it became not viable to support this as an opensource implementation.

Data Pipeline Orchestrator

A utility that persists state of a data pipeline execution and uses them to detect changes in models.


$ python -m dpo [options] <db-connection-string> <command> [command-args]
  • options include:
    • --help | -h: displays help menu.
    • --log-level | -l: choose program's logging level, from CRITICAL, ERROR, WARNING, INFO, DEBUG; default is INFO.
  • db-connection-string: a PostgreSQL Db Connection String of the format postgresql+psycopg2://user:password@host:port/dbname
  • command is the function to be performed by the utility. The currently supported values are:
    • init-execution: Marks the start of a new execution. Returns an execution-id which is a GUID identifier of the new execution.
      • execution-id: An optional GUID to use as the execution-id of new execution. Supports a PostgreSQL UUID type value. Throws an error if the GUID provided is already in use.
    • get-last-successful-execution: Finds the last successful execution. Returns an execution-id which is a GUID identifier of the new execution, if found; else returns and empty string.
    • get-execution-completion-timestamp: Returns the last-updated-on timestamp with timezone of the given execution-id. Raises error if given execution-id is invalid.
      • execution-id: a GUID identifier of an existing execution.
    • init-step: Saves models of the given model-type within the given execution-id by persisting hashed checksums of the given models.
      • execution-id: identifier of an existing data pipeline execution, ideally as returned by the init command.
      • step-name: name of step being processed, choose from LOAD, TRANSFORM.
      • base-path: absolute or relative path to the models e.g.: ./load, /home/local/transform, C:/path/to/models
      • model-patterns: one or more unix-style search patterns (relative to base-path) for model files. models within a model-type must be named uniquely regardless of their file extension. e.g.: *.txt, **/*.txt, ./relative/path/to/some_models/**/*.csv, relative/path/to/some/more/related/models/**/*.sql
    • compare-step-models: Compares the hashed checksums of models between two executions' steps. Returns comma-separated string of changed model names.
      • step-id: identifier of an existing execution's step, as returned by the init-step command.
      • previous-execution-id: identifier of an existing execution, ideally as returned by the get-last-successful-execution command.
    • complete-step: Marks the completion of an existing execution's step. Returns nothing unless there's an error.
      • step-id: a GUID identifier of an existing execution's step as returned by the init-step command.
      • rows-processed: an optional numeric value to indicate the number of rows processed during this step. supports a postgresql BIGINT type value.
    • complete-execution: Marks the completion of an existing execution. Returns nothing unless there's an error.
      • execution-id: a GUID identifier of an existing execution as returned by the init-execution command.

To get help, use:

$ python -m dpo --help
$ python -m dpo <command> --help

Usage Example

$ pipenv install
$ pipenv shell

$ python -m dpo postgresql+psycopg2://user:password@host:port/dbname init-execution

$ python -m dpo postgresql+psycopg2://user:password@host:port/dbname get-last-successful-execution
$ python -m dpo postgresql+psycopg2://user:password@host:port/dbname get-execution-last-updated-timestamp id-as-returned-by-get-last-successful-execution-command

$ python -m dpo postgresql+psycopg2://user:password@host:port/dbname persist-models id-as-retured-by-init-command load ./relative/path/to/load/models **/*.json
$ python -m dpo postgresql+psycopg2://user:password@host:port/dbname compare-models id-as-retured-by-get-last-successful-execution-command id-as-retured-by-init-command load

$ python -m dpo postgresql+psycopg2://user:password@host:port/dbname persist-models id-as-retured-by-init-command transform C:/absolute/path/to/transform/models group1/*.csv ./group2/**/*.sql
$ python -m dpo postgresql+psycopg2://user:password@host:port/dbname compare-models id-as-retured-by-get-last-successful-execution-command id-as-retured-by-init-command transform

$ python -m dpo postgresql+psycopg2://user:password@host:port/dbname complete-execution id-as-retured-by-init-command


Verify Installation

Verify dependencies are installed by running the following commands:

$ python --version
$ pipenv --version

Getting Started

Install dependencies

To install project dependencies, run the following command:

$ pipenv install

Activate Virtual Environment

To activate a virtual environment, run the following command:

$ pipenv shell

Using DPO

Once the virtual environment has been activated, please refer to usage for how to use DPO.


Unit Tests

To run unit tests, run the following command:

$ pytest

Integration Tests

  • Install PostgreSQL 9.6+
  • Execute below scripts to setup test db and user
    alembic -c dpo/alembic.ini -x postgresql+psycopg2://integration_test_user:integration_test_password@localhost:5432/integration_test_db upgrade head
  • To run integration tests, run either of the following commands:
    $ make test_integration
    $ ./tests/integration/


If you do not have make installed, you can substitute make with:

$ ./tests/integration/


To upgrade to the latest schema

alembic -c dpo/alembic.ini -x $DESTINATION_DB_URL upgrade head

Updating the schema

Ensure any new tables inherit from the same Base used in alembic/

from dpo.Shared import BaseEntity

Whenever you make a schema change, run

pipenv install .
alembic -c dpo/alembic.ini -x $DESTINATION_DB_URL revision -m "$REVISION_MESSAGE" --autogenerate

check that the new version in alembic/versions is correct

Downgrading the schema

Whenever you want to downgrade the schema

alembic -c dpo/alembic.ini -x $DESTINATION_DB_URL history # see the list of revision ids
alembic -c dpo/alembic.ini -x $DESTINATION_DB_URL current # see the current revision id
alembic -c dpo/alembic.ini -x $DESTINATION_DB_URL downgrade -1 # revert back one revision
alembic -c dpo/alembic.ini -x $DESTINATION_DB_URL downgrade $revision_id # revert back to a revision id, found using the history command

Inaccurate autogenerated revisions

Does your autogenerated revision not look right?

Try editing the function use_schema in alembic/, this determines what alembic looks for in the database.

Relevant Documentation

New models aren't showing up in upgrade section

Ensure all model classes inherit from the same Base that alembic/ imports, and that the following class properties are set

__tablename__ = 'your_mapped_table_name'
__table_args__ = {'schema': Constants.DATA_PIPELINE_EXECUTION_SCHEMA_NAME}

Also try importing the models into alembic/, eg

from dpo.entities import ModelChecksumEntity
from dpo.entities import DataPipelineExecutionEntity

Alembic won't pick up my change

Alembic only supports some changes

Try adding raw sql in the upgrade() and downgrade() functions of your revision



A utility that persists state of a data pipeline execution and uses them to detect changes in models.







No packages published

Contributors 4

