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This API allows you to communicate with AMP installations from within Java.


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An API that allows you to communicate with AMP installations from within Java.

Documentation for available API calls can be found by appending /API to the URL of any existing AMP installation.



{version} just refers to the release tag, without the v prefix.




Note: Be sure to remove the <scope>provided</scope> if you're shading the library.


maven {
    name "NerualNexus"
    url ""

dependencies {
    implementation 'dev.neuralnexus:ampapi:{version}'


  • If a function returns anything in the form of Map<String, Object>, then you can treat it as JSON and parse it as such (Feel free to draft up a return type if you'd like).
  • If you're running into a GSON/JSON error, the API return type may be missing a Task<T> or Result<T> wrapper ( or the return type could just be wrong in general).


CommonAPI Example

import dev.neuralnexus.ampapi.modules.CommonAPI;
import dev.neuralnexus.ampapi.types.GetStatusResult;

public class Main {
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        // If you know the module that the instance is using, specify it instead of CommonAPI
        CommonAPI API = new CommonAPI("http://localhost:8080/", "admin", "myfancypassword123");

        // API call parameters are simply in the same order as shown in the documentation.
        API.Core.SendConsoleMessage("say Hello Everyone, this message was sent from the Java API!");

        Status currentStatus = API.Core.GetStatus();
        double CPUUsagePercent = currentStatus.Metrics.get("CPU Usage").Percent;

        System.out.println("Current CPU usage is: " + CPUUsagePercent + "%");

Example using the ADS to manage an instance

import dev.neuralnexus.ampapi.modules.ADS;
import dev.neuralnexus.ampapi.modules.Minecraft;
import dev.neuralnexus.ampapi.types.GetStatusResult;
import dev.neuralnexus.ampapi.types.IADSInstance;
import dev.neuralnexus.ampapi.types.Instance;
import dev.neuralnexus.ampapi.types.Status;

import java.util.List;
import java.util.UUID;

public class Main {
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        ADS API = new ADS("http://localhost:8080/", "admin", "myfancypassword123");

        // Get the available instances
        List<IADSInstance> targets = API.ADSModule.GetInstances();

        // In this example, my Hub server is on the second target
        // If you're running a standalone setup, you can just use targets.get(0)
        IADSInstance target = targets.get(1);

        UUID hub_instance_id = null;

        // Get the available instances
        Instance[] instances = target.AvailableInstances;
        for (Instance instance : instances) {
            // Find the instance named "Hub"
            if (instance.InstanceName.equals("Hub")) {
                hub_instance_id = instance.InstanceID;

        // Use the instance ID to get the API for the instance
        Minecraft Hub = API.InstanceLogin(hub_instance_id, Minecraft.class);

        // Get the current CPU usage
        Status currentStatus = Hub.Core.GetStatus();
        double CPUUsagePercent = currentStatus.Metrics.get("CPU Usage").Percent;

        // Send a message to the console
        Hub.Core.SendConsoleMessage("say Current CPU usage is: " + CPUUsagePercent + "%");

CommonAPI Example, handling the sessionId and rememberMeToken manually (not recommended)

import dev.neuralnexus.ampapi.modules.CommonAPI;
import dev.neuralnexus.ampapi.types.GetStatusResult;
import dev.neuralnexus.ampapi.types.LoginResult;

public class Main {
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        CommonAPI API = new CommonAPI("http://localhost:8080/");

        try {
            // The third parameter is either used for 2FA logins, or if no password is specified to use a remembered token from a previous login, or a service login token.
            LoginResult loginResult = API.Core.Login("admin", "myfancypassword123", "", false);

            if (loginResult.success) {
                System.out.println("Login successful");

                // Update the session ID
                String sessionId = loginResult.sessionID;
                API.sessionId = sessionId;
                API.Core.sessionId = sessionId;

                // API call parameters are simply in the same order as shown in the documentation.
                API.Core.SendConsoleMessage("say Hello Everyone, this message was sent from the Java API!");

                Status currentStatus = API.Core.GetStatus();
                double CPUUsagePercent = currentStatus.Metrics.get("CPU Usage").Percent;

                System.out.println("Current CPU usage is: " + CPUUsagePercent + "%");

            } else {
                System.out.println("Login failed");
        } catch (RuntimeException e) {
            // In reality, you'd handle this exception better
            throw new RuntimeException(e);


  • Might want to look into CompletableFutures for async calls
  • Some sort of optional notation for when an API call fails? How would GSON handle two possible outcomes?
  • Create custom types:
    • DeploymentTemplate
    • PostCreateActions
    • ApplicationSpec
    • PortProtocol
    • PortUsage
    • LocalAMPInstance
    • ContainerMemoryPolicy
    • Single
    • FileChunkData
    • BackupManifest
    • DateTime
    • IAuditLogEntry
    • Nullable -> might be able to use an Optional for this
    • ScheduleInfo
    • TimeIntervalTrigger
    • WebSessionSummary
    • IPermissionsTreeNode
    • WebauthnLoginInfo
    • WebauthnCredentialSummary
    • MethodInfoSummary
    • ListeningPortSummary
    • TwoFactorSetupInfo
    • UserInfoSummary
    • AuthRoleSummary

In-Progress Release Notes


This API allows you to communicate with AMP installations from within Java.



GPL-3.0, MIT licenses found

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