Sometimes you just need to push, pull and sync AEM package from local file system to AEM server frequently for development and you end up doing it manually uploading, downloading and extracting packages.
- Provide simple command to upload and download packages from AEM remote server
- Provide git like commands to keep your local package directory sync with your remote AEM server.
- It uses the package manager service API to do all the operations.
$ npm install aem-pkg -g
$ aem-pkg --help
$ aem-pkg <command>
--protocol=<protocol> Protocol for package manager service
--host=<host> Host for package manager service
--port=<port> Port number for package manager service
--extractMetaDir=<extractMetaDir> Flag, whether you want to extract meta directory during push and pull.
--pkgPropFile=<pkgPropFile> Path to package meta properties.xml file
--jcrRootDir =<jcrRootDir> Name of JCR root directory
--pkgService=<pkgService> Path of package manager service
--username=<username> Username for package manager service authentication
--password=<password> Password for package manager service authentication
--installPkg=<installPkg> Flag, whether you want uploaded package installation
--pkgFilePattern=<pkgFilePattern> Package zip file search pattern
--cwd=<dir> Current working directory for operation
Clone 'my-aem-package' from remote server for development.
$ aem-pkg clone my-aem-package
Push current changes to remote server.
$ aem-pkg push
Pull current changes from remote server.
$ aem-pkg pull
Upload all packages from current directory
$ aem-pkg up
Upload '' package from current directory
$ aem-pkg up
Download and Upload '' package
$ aem-pkg up
Upload multiple packages serially from current directory and server
$ aem-pkg up
Extract and upload packages from '' file. This file should have aem packages.
$ aem-pkg upzip
Download, extract and upload packages from URL '' file. This file should have aem packages.
$ aem-pkg upzip
import aemPkg from 'aem-pkg';
// Upload all packages from this directory
await aemPkg.uploadPkgsFromDir('./my-aem-pkgs/');
// With options to override defaultOptions
await aemPkg.uploadPkgsFromDir('./my-aem-pkgs/', {
port: 80,
host: '',
username: 'admin',
password: 'admin'
Type: Object
String? Protocol for package manager service. (optional, defaulthttp
String? Host for package manager service. (optional, defaultlocalhost
Number? Port number for package manager service. (optional, default4502
Boolean? Flag to extract meta directory during push and pull.. (optional, defaultfalse
String? Path to package meta . properties.xml file (optional, default./META-INF/vault/properties.xml
String? Name of JCR root directory. (optional, defaultjcr_root
String? Path of package manager service. (optional, default/crx/packmgr/service.jsp
String? Username for package manager service authentication. (optional, defaultadmin
String? Password for package manager service authentication. (optional, defaultadmin
Boolean? Flag, whether you want uploaded package installation. (optional, defaulttrue
String? Package zip file search pattern. (optional, default*.zip
String? Current working directory for operation. (optional, defaultprocess.cwd()
String Name of the package to build without extensionopts
Object Options to override default options (optional, defaultdefaultOptions
await aemPkg.buildRemotePkg('my-awesome-aem-website');
Returns Promise
String Path of the package directory where need to pull the package.opts
Object Options to override default options (optional, defaultdefaultOptions
await aemPkg.pull('./my-aem-pkg-dir/my-aem-website');
Returns Promise
String Path of the package directory which you need to push to the server.opts
Object Options to override default options (optional, defaultdefaultOptions
await aemPkg.push('./my-aem-pkg-dir/my-aem-website');
Returns Promise
String Name of the package without extensioncloneDirPath
String Path of directory to clone the packageopts
Object Options to override default options (optional, defaultdefaultOptions
await aemPkg.clone('my-aem-website', './my-aem-pkg-dir/');
Returns Promise
(String | Object) path or file url or object with buffer and filename propertiesopts
Object Options to override default options (optional, defaultdefaultOptions
await aemPkg.uploadPkg('./my-aem-pkgs/');
await aemPkg.uploadPkg('');
await aemPkg.uploadPkg({ buffer: zipFileBuffer, name: 'my-website' });
Returns Promise
Array array of package file pathsopts
Object Options to override default options (optional, defaultdefaultOptions
await aemPkg.uploadPkgs([
Returns Promise
String Directory of all package zipopts
Object Options to override default options (optional, defaultdefaultOptions
// Upload all packages from this directory
await aemPkg.uploadPkgsFromDir('./my-aem-pkgs/');
Returns Promise
String Path of zip file which contains many packages. All will be uploaded individually.opts
Object Options to override default options (optional, defaultdefaultOptions
// Upload packages from zip file which contains many AEM packages
await aemPkg.uploadPkgsFromZip('./aem-pkgs/');
Returns Promise
String URL of zip file which contains AEM packagesopts
Object Options to override default options (optional, defaultdefaultOptions
// Upload packages from zip file URL which contain many AEM packages
await aemPkg.uploadPkgsFromZip(
Returns Promise
aem-pkg sync
command. This will keep pulling and pushing updates from and to aem server.