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Releases: oxguy3/craftboot

CraftBoot v1.0.3

15 Jun 07:44
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Very minor update that adds a warning for users to not enter untrustworthy launcher configuration URLs due to the possibility of phishing. CraftBoot v2 will be written so as to not have a phishing vulnerability, but for the time being, this warning will have to suffice.

CraftBoot v1.0.2

15 Jun 05:43
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A minor update to address an issue some Windows users were having, in which the user home folder was not correctly located. On Windows systems, the user home folder is now located using the environment variable %USERPROFILE%. Apologies for taking so long to get this update out!

CraftBoot v1.0.1

02 Apr 20:09
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Minor update to address a few issues. Changelog:

  • fixed mismatched filename bug (".craftbooturl" vs "craftbooturl")
  • set look and feel to use the system default (instead of Java's default)
  • reworded message displayed in launcher config dialog

CraftBoot v1.0.0

02 Apr 07:21
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I'm proud to announce the very first release version of CraftBoot. CraftBoot is a bootstrapper for SKCraft Launcher (although by default it uses a slightly modified custom version of the launcher). CraftBoot allows modpack managers to easily distribute updates for their modpacks with the versatility of SKCraft Launcher, all without having to know Java or open an IDE.

To learn how to use CraftBoot, check out the wiki.