A parser for Sysl specification files based on Chevrotain.
npm install --save sysl-parser
Import as a library:
var Parser = require('sysl-parser');
var content = require('fs').readFileSync('path/to/file.sysl', 'utf-8');
var tokens = Parser.lexer.tokenize(content);
var parser = new Parser(tokens);
// The results of the parsing will be properties of the parser instance.
Run from the command line:
npm install -g sysl-parser
sysl-parser path/to/file.sysl
For example:
$ sysl-parse test/fixtures/model_petshop.sysl
test/fixtures/model_petshop.sysl is a valid Sysl model!
$ sysl-parse test/fixtures/model_invalid.sysl
test/fixtures/model_invalid.sysl is not a valid Sysl model:
- [3:15] MismatchedTokenException: Expecting token of type --> Subset <-- but found --> '=' <--