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Junsu Kim j0807s
RA@ Korea Univ (09. 2023 ~) RA@ KIST (07. 2022 ~ 09. 2023)

Korea University Seoul

hyunsoo gustn9609
Interest : generative model(diffusion, score-based model)


Yuna Park yuuunapark
Artificial Intelligence Intern in KIST(2022.12~2023.12)

Korea Institute of Science and Technology Seoul

Mincheol Park danielmcpark
Mincheol Park has joined the Korea Institute of Science and Technology (KIST). His research interests are deep learning and computer architecture

KIST Seoul, South Korea

Wonjun Lee velpegor

Korea Institute of Science and Technology Seoul

Minsoo Kang 3neutronstar

Korea Institute of Science and Technology Seoul, Korea