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12 repositories
- Garuda Nix Subsystem - a flake enabling dual-boot, same-partition Garuda/NixOS installations ❄️🦅 (mirrored from GitLab)
- This repo contains all of Garuda Linux' own PKGBUILDs 📜 (mirrored from GitLab)
- Our new NixOS infrastructure flake 👩🏻💻 (pull/push mirror with GitLab)
- New Garuda Linux general purpose startpage, built with Angular in Catppuccin style 🐈
- Maintenance utility which helps with system tasks (mirrored from GitLab)
- Holds Ansible & docker-compose configurations of the infrastructure 🖥 (DEPRECATED)
PublicZsync2 enabled Garuda Linux iso downloader (mirrored from GitLab)