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Mostafa Ashraf Ebrahim Ali Elfeel MostafaELFEEL
Mechatronics, Robotics, and Automation systems Engineer

Faculty of Engineering Ain Shams University 1 El Sarayat St.، ABBASSEYA، El Weili, Cairo Governorate

Michael Sun MichaelSun1001
Master of Communication Engineering, Research Interests:SLAM、Multi-Sensor Fusion、3D/4D Reconstruction、Autonomous Driving、E2E、LLM。 Email:[email protected]


Meow LinuxJS
I code in Python. Will work in @vivasoft-ltd


Jade Cong JadeCong
Think and act, Win with respect~

AIRobotics ShenZhen

Markus Buchholz markusbuchholz
Postdoctoral researcher in underwater robotics.

Heriot-Watt University

Alexandre alexandrefch
French embedded system PhD student

Lab-STICC Lorient, France

Batuhan UZUN uzunb
Data Scientist & Software Developer | Karadeniz Technical University

Altınay Defense Technologies Inc. Istanbul

Rasit Evduzen RasitEvduzen
Machine Learning✤Control Theory✤Reinforcement Learning✤Robotic✤Optimization✤Navigation✤SensorFusion

Ankara / Türkiye

JinxuWang RtJinxuWang
A graduate student in Shenyang Ligong University


Zezhong Li lzz19980125
Ph.D. Candidate @ Tianjin University | AI 4 Time Series | Anomaly Detection | Time Series Segmentation | Reinforcement learning

Tianjin University Tianjin, China

David Cortes avi-aerospace Vermillion, SD

Kalhan Boralessa kalhansb
PhD student in Robotics and AI at Nottingham Trent University

United Kingdom

Bowen XU bowenXuu
Robotics, Embodied AI, Autonomous Driving


Satvik Sharma Storch9120
Robotics Software | ROS2 | Linux | Autonomous Robotics | @vishwaspace EXTC '24 @VJTI, Mumbai

@botsync @vishwaspace

Himanshu kohale Himanshukohale22
Making strides in firmware and designs is deeply fulfilling. Electronics Engineer | Embedded system|Analog|linux|Hardware design|ROS2|Firmware|

@vishwaspace @fynd Mumbai


SJTU Shanghai

Ma richard7714
Deep Learning & SLAM @sparolab

Inha university Republic of Korea, Incheon

Phase Le congphase

Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam

Robotics and Learning Control

Sun Yat-sen University Guangzhou, China

R. He RonghaiHe
Master candidate@SYSU | Interested in robotics
TangYu P1terQ
Robots must learn.

University of Science and Technology of China hefei

Ahmet Mete DOKGÖZ ahmetmeted

Ozyegin University Istanbul

fish-zt ZHANG-zzt
A fish with no love for research!


Fei Li BrowndLi
Student of Wuhan University of Technology

Wuhan University of Technology Wuhan University of Technology

Henry Che hungdche
CompE @ UIUC

Champaign, IL