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Disha Lodha Dishalodha

EMBL-EBI Cambridge

Furkan Emre Bora femrebora


Leonardo De Grandis leonardodegrandis

@Polimi-Motorcycle-Factory Milano

Gurpreet Kaur, Ph.D. gurpreet-bioinfo
Bioinformatics | MultiOmics | Data Science || Rare and Undiagnosed Diseases @uab-cgds-worthey

School of Medicine, University of Alabama Birmingham, Alabama, USA

Felipe da Veiga Leprevost prvst
Biomedical Data Scientist

Genentech EUA

Steve Moss gawbul
Dad, husband, and PhD 👨‍🎓 Scientist 👨‍🔬 Technologist 📱 Engineer 👨‍💻 Bibliophile 📚 Philomath 🧐 Mental health advocate 💚

Dr Stephen P. Moss Earth

Trainee Healthcare Scientist in Bioinformatics (Genomics)


Lindsey Druschel lindseydruschel
PhD in BME from CWRU, current postdoc at Stanford University. Getting into R and Python for bioinformatics applications.

Stanford University

Fábio Madeira biomadeira
Leading Bioinformatics at @embl-ebi

EMBL-EBI Cambridge, UK

Abu Saadat SAADAT-Abu
A bio technician turned bioinformatician working as a PhD Student in the group of Prof Andrea Riccio at university of Campania, Italy.

University of Campania Italy

Driscoll Lab mejian1
My name is Nelson G. Mejia. I am a graduate student in Molecular Biology and conduct research in the Labs of Dr. Monica Driscoll and Dr. Samuel Gunderson at RU.

Rutgers University of New Jersey in NB Piscataway, NJ

Israt Jahan jahanisrat

Washington University in St. Louis

Naoya Minami MinamiNaoya
I'm Interested in Bioinformatics, Cellular agriculture, Organoid, and Laboratory Automation.

Kitasato University School of Veterinary Medicine Aomori/Japan

Gaurav Sablok applicativesystem
Pythoninsta, Rustacean, Gopher, Bioinformatics | Deep Learning | System Administration


Xavier Solé xsoleacha

Hospital Clínic de Barcelona

Young erinyoung
Bioinformatician in public health

Utah Public Health Laboratory Salt Lake City, UT

Postdoc Associate

University of Minnesota Minneapolis

BioDawg JoJoTsui


Aoyue Bi (毕傲月) AoyueBi
My interests lie in the intersection of population genetics, quantitative genetics, and computational biology


Stan Soo CheeseTurtle
UTSA Electrical Engineering student and self-taught coding whiz. Enthusiastic about DSP and AI; tentatively curious about microrobotics and biosensors.
Quentin Andres Isoris
Hello there, I am French, I enjoy molecular biology, and microbial genomics. I'm just a PhD student. If you want to work together or collaborate you're welcome

Animal Genomics and Bioresources Research Unit (newer, PhD year 2-3) Center of Excellence in Aquatic Animal Health Management (older, PhD year 1) @ Kasetsart University Bangkok, TH

Sora Yonezawa yonesora56
Hiroshima university Laboratory of Genome Informatics, Graduate School of Integrated Sciences for life

Hiroshima prefecture

Pearl Liu PearlLiu-Dev
✨Do not go gentle into that good night.

Cincinnati Children's Hospital Medical Center Ohio

Michael Corrado gaybro8777
engineer flirting with machine learning, neural networks and life sciences 💪

Mit Nyc

Sadik Muzemil sadikmz

University of Warwick Coventry, UK

Syed Bakibillah Sakib sakibian
Full-Stack PHP Laravel developer always look forward to learn new technique to solve a problem. Love to work with various people around the world.


Shashank B R shashankbrgowda

EMBL-EBI Cambridge, UK

Mudra Hegde mudra-hegde
Computational Biologist, R&D, Genome Editing

@thermofisher Carlsbad, CA