This project uses Spring boot 2, Spring WebFlux, Reactive MongoDB, Lombok and Twitter4J.
To get this project up and running, you need to configure the following environment variables or application properties:
These details can be generated at Twitter Application Management.
- Presentation
- Blogpost about getting started with Spring boot 2
- Blogpost containing conference talks about Spring boot 2
// Flux<Integer> extends Publisher<Integer>
Flux.range(0, 1000)
// Operators
.filter(nr -> nr % 2 == 0)
.map(nr -> nr * 3)
// Subscriber
public class PersonController {
public Flux<Person> findAll() { // Returns Flux<Person>
return Flux.just(
new Person("John", "Doe"),
new Person("Jane", "Doe"));
public RouterFunction<?> routes() {
return route(GET("/api/person"), request -> ServerResponse
new Person("John", "Doe"),
new Person("Jane", "Doe")), Person.class));
public interface PersonRepository extends ReactiveCrudRepository<Person, String> {
// Base path
.uri(uriBuilder -> uriBuilder
.queryParam("offset", 0)
.queryParam("limit", 10)
// Returns Flux<Person>