1.4.0 (September 21, 2016)
- [NEW] Added ability to switch out the default caching strategy for caching getter values. Also expose an LRU cache that can be swapped in for the basic cache
- [NEW] Add ability to supply your own logger and override the default console group logger in NuclearJS
- [UPGRADE] Upgrade
Cache Configuration
import * as Nuclear from 'nuclear-js';
const MAX_ITEMS = 1000 // (optional, default = 1000) how many items to keep in the LRU cache before evicting
const EVICT_COUNT = 10 // (optional, default = 1) how many items to throw out when the cache fills up
new Nuclear.Reactor({
debug: false,
cache: new Nuclear.LRUCache(MAX_ITEMS, EVICT_COUNT),
Using your own Logger
import * as Nuclear from 'nuclear-js';
new Nuclear.Reactor({
logger: {
dispatchStart(reactorState, actionType, payload) {
console.log(`dispatch: actionType=${actionTypes}`, payload)
dispatchError(reactorState, error) {
// useful if you need to close a console.group if an error is thrown during dispatch
dispatchEnd(reactorState, state, dirtyStores, previousState) {
const prevStateChanges = previousState.filter((val, key) => dirtyStores.contains(key)).toJS()
const stateChanges = state.filter((val, key) => dirtyStores.contains(key)).toJS()
console.log('prev state: ', prevStateChanges)
console.log('new state: ', stateChanges)
Big thanks to
@loganlinn @niftymonkey @gerges @andrei-cacio @raulmatei @lchski