DreamFace Generator creates all required files to setup a complete cloud application development environment using DreamFace X-Platform
License: DreamFace Open License
$ sudo npm install -g dreamface-generator
$ dreamface --init sample
where sample
is the directory where your own cloud app platform using dreamface will be installed.
For help do :
$ dreamface --help
Before starting the install of the development environment, make sure you have installed MongoDB
and it is running (mongod
$ cd sample
// Start DreamFace Development Edition
[sample] $ cd dev
[sample/dev] $ sudo npm install
[sample/dev] $ cd node_modules/dreamface
[sample/dev/node_modules/dreamface] $ sudo npm install
[sample/dev/node_modules/dreamface] $ sudo grunt build
[sample/dev/node_modules/dreamface] $ cd ../..
[sampled/dev] $ node app.js
Log on to the console: http://localhost:3000/console
DreamFace will synchronize its repository on MongoDB. The first time you login to the console use sys/admin
for login and password. You will be asked to change the password. Change the password and login with the new password. Create a tenant for examples demo
. You can leave DreamFace and we can continue the installation.
When you logged in a (hidden) .auth.conf
file was created (located into sample/auth). Edit this file and copy the consumer_key
and consumer_secret
values. Edit the sample/comp/app.js
file and set the consumer_key
and and consumer_secret
of the compiler and save the file. It should look like this after your modification with your own consumer_key and consumer secret_values:
- consumer_key : 'b7d94f7d89a2',
- consumer_secret : '0866b51e983ad2ea13aea768'
This will initiate a secure connection between DreamFace and DreamFace Compiler. Now you can install and start the compiler.
Open a console window:
// Start DreamFace Compiler
[sample] $ cd comp
[sample/comp] $ sudo npm install
[sample/comp] $ node app.js
Open a console window:
$ cd sample/dep
[sample/dep] $ sudo npm install
[sample/dep] $ node app.js
At this point, you have successfully installed the DreamFace X-Platform. You are now ready to build, compile and securely deploy your first application.
Continue to the DreamFace Getting Started
When your app is ready to go on production, you can deploy it in a Docker container. DreamFace Generator created a Dockerfile for you to ease the creation of a docker image. To to so, open a console window and do the following:
$ cd sample
[sample] $ docker build -t username/sample .
A new image containing the dfx deployment edition and your deployed application will be created To run the docker image inside a container:
$ docker run -i -t -d username/sample