The data is related to the drying process of faecal sludge and was collected from different institutions with relevant information about the feedstock and experimental conditions. Experimental data is categorized into 8 groups: thermodynamics, kinetics, physiochemical properties, morphology, mechanical properties, dewaterability, disinfection, and gas emission.
Different types of faecal samples were involved on the generation of the data: - fresh faeces and faecal sludge from various types of onsite sanitation facilities, among which ventilated improved pit (VIP) latrines - urine diversion dry toilets (UDDT) - anaerobic baffled reactor (ABR) from a decentralized wastewater treatment plant (DEWAT) TODO: INSERT PICTURES? ## Installation
You can install the development version of dryingfaecal from GitHub with:
# install.packages("devtools")
## basic example code
addendum |>
head() |>
#> # A tibble: 6 × 16
#> table_id chapter type place date publication link faecal_type collect_loc
#> <int> <chr> <chr> <chr> <chr> <chr> <chr> <chr> <chr>
#> 1 1 dewateri… Cent… "Pol… 2018… Septien, S… http… "Faecal sl… Durban, So…
#> 2 2 dewateri… Cent… "Pol… 2018… Septien, S… http… "Faecal sl… Durban, So…
#> 3 3 dewateri… Cent… "Pol… 2018… Septien, S… http… "Faecal sl… Durban, So…
#> 4 4 dewateri… Cent… "Pol… 2018… Septien, S… http… "Faecal sl… Durban, So…
#> 5 5 dewateri… Cent… "Pol… 2018… Septien, S… http… "Fresh fae… Durban, So…
#> 6 6 dewateri… Cent… "o S… 2018 Ward, B. J… http… "Faecal sl… o Dakar, S…
#> # ℹ 7 more variables: age <chr>, moisture <chr>, tot_solids <chr>,
#> # volatile_solids <chr>, ash <chr>, trash_presence <chr>, pretreatment <chr>
The dataset contains the following variables:
variable_name | description |
table_id | ID number of the meta-data table |
chapter | Name of the chapter of the experimentation |
type | Type of experimentation data, e.g., centrifugation |
place | Place of the experimentation |
date | Date of the experimentation |
publication | Publication citation associated with the experiment |
link | Data source web links where the experiment raw data is stored |
faecal_type | Type of faecal material |
collect_loc | Location of collection |
age | Age before collection |
moisture | Moisture content |
tot_solids | Total solids content |
volatile_solids | Volatile solids content |
ash | Ash content |
trash_presence | Whether trash is present or not |
pretreatment | Pre-treatment |
Experiment: Centrifugation done in a centrifuge HERMLE Z323, during 120 minutes at a rate of 5000 RPM, for 40 g of sample per centrifuge tube