Fetches the data from LPP bus schedule and saves it into data/lpp:
lines ||--o{ lines_stops : "has stops"
lines {
int id PK "3-4-digit bus line ID"
string line "Line number on buses"
string lineExtra "Extra line descriptor (seasonal, temporary)"
string nameFrom "Start stop name"
string nameTo "End stop name"
stops ||--o{ lines_stops : "for lines"
stops {
int id PK "6-digit bus stop ID"
string name "Bus stop name"
lines_stops {
int lineId FK "3-4-digit bus line ID"
int direction "1=forward, 2=backwards"
int sequence "Stop number in the given direction"
int stopId FK "6-digit bus stop ID"
Fetches data from Marprom WEBMap and saves it into data/marprom:
python3 -m venv venv
orvirtualenv -p python3 venv
source venv/bin/activate
pip install -r requirements.txt
python update.py