A directory of companies, people, and projects that are Open Source and from Bratislava
Why is there a list combining a licensing model with a geographical location?
Generally, we've found that the Open Source community is just that - a community. People who contribute to open source code often do so because they know other contributors personally, they use each other's code, or they met someone at an event who pointed them to something. You'll find that a lot of open source projects are city specific - frequent attenders of meetups tend to hear about the same projects, learn about the same companies doing open source, and contribute in the same way.
We want to build a list where we can see and learn about each other's code, just a bit easier, in the open.
These projects have been developed mainly in Bratislava, or by people from there.
- Danube Cloud: Software solution used for creating, managing and automating data centers.
- FreeMap: Local layers over OpenStreetMap, you can try at freemap.sk
- Ludolph: Monitoring Jabber Bot with Zabbix support, completely written in Python. Bot has great support for plugins, for example: ludolph-skeleton, ludolph-weather, ludolph-chatbot, etc...
- MidPoint: Comprehensive Identity Management system developed by Evolveum and the midPoint community.
- Open Data Node: Open Source platform for publication, management and exhange of Open Data
- OpenSourceBikeShare: Bike sharing system suitable for smaller communities, university campuses, companies. Developed by community around Cyklokoalícia and White bikes
- slapdconf: Command-line tools for easier configuration of OpenLDAP. Maintaned by Radovan Semancik.
- skCube-data-collector: Collector of radio GSR packets from earth based receivers. Project made for SOSA
- zabbix-api-erigones: Zabbix API Python Library.
- OpenData.sk: informal Slovak Open Data initiative
- Spoločnosť pre otvorené informačné technológie (SOIT): Non-profit civic association of people who advocate the use of open information technologies in diverse areas of our society.
- SPy o.z.: Civic association responsible for Python meetups and PyCon SK conference.
- Matej Nemček
- Jan Gondol
- Ivana Zemanovicova
- Radovan Semančík
- Richard Kellner
- Ivor Uhliarik - Personal GitLab projects
- Peter Hanečák
- Andrej Shadura
- Nodeschool Bratislava: Local supporting coding group for beginners and advanced programmers in Node.js & Javascript
- Progressbar hackerspace: Bratislava hackerspace which supports OSS projects & persons by default.
- Bratislava Python meetups: Regular monthly meetups for people who have interest in Python programming language.
- PyCon SK: Conference for Python programming language and related topics organized once a year.
- OSS Vikend: Conference with an aim for any Open Source Technology organized once a year.
This is an open source project; if you want to be a maintainer, you can be! Just open an issue asking if you can come on board. For now, these people manage this project:
@yangwao and you!
Please do! If you know of any resources that aren't here, add them. If you have any questions or want a feature, please open an issue.
If adding to the list, please keep the items alphabetized. Thank you.
This list is licensed under a CC-BY 4.0 Unported License, © 2017 . If this isn't great for you, get in touch.