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WCS 2.0 Reference Implementations Test results

Keshav Nangare edited this page Feb 16, 2017 · 5 revisions
Date Server What was tested Version of the test Result notes Link to image
09-02-2017 OSGeo MapServer WCS Core 1.11 req21 and req22 is failed due to the xmlvalidation parser error. Issue is already created in the tracker.
09-02-2017 OSGeo MapServer WCS Core 1.12-SNAPSHOT req21 and req22 is failed due to the xmlValidation parser error. The Issue is already created in the tracker.
09-02-2017 EOX IT Services GmbH EOxServer WCS Core and WCS EO 1.11 Failed. The test is failed due to the missing <CoverageSummary> element in the server response.
09-02-2017 EOX IT Services GmbH EOxServer WCS Core and WCS EO 1.12-SNAPSHOT Failed. The test is failed due to the missing <CoverageSummary> element in the server response. The test req-62 is failing due to the test is called which is not exists, it failing due to the incorrect test name "req63". We have updated the test name to req63-66 and it worked fine.
09-02-2017 kahlua.eecs.jacobs-university WCS Core and WCS EO 1.11 The test wcs2:soap-core-req10 is failed. The EO-WCS profile is failed because of the "EOX tests are not supported by this server".
09-02-2017 kahlua.eecs.jacobs-university WCS Core and WCS EO 1.12-SNAPSHOT The test wcs2:soap-core-req10 is failed. We have added fix for the test soap-core-req10. After that "WCS Core"test is executed successfully. The EO-WCS profile is failed because of the "EOX tests are not supported by this server".
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