This implements a wrapper around Open Food Facts API in Rust. Wiki page with a link to the Rust discussion channel:
In the Cargo.toml file, under [dependencies], add the following lines:
openfoodfacts = { git = ""}
reqwest = {version = "0.11", features = ["blocking", "json"]}
serde_json = "1.0.73"
Get information about a product
let client = off::v0().build().unwrap();
let code = "3850102123681";
let response = client.product(code, None).unwrap();
let result_json = json!(response.json::<HashMap::<String, Value>>().unwrap());
Search products based on criteria
use openfoodfacts::{self as off, Locale, Output};
use serde_json::{json, Value};
use std::collections::HashMap;
fn main() {
// create client and query with criteria
let client = off::v2().build().unwrap();
let query = client
.criteria("brands", "Vindija", Some("hr"));
// run query and convert result as json
let res =, None).unwrap();
let result_json = json!(res.json::<HashMap::<String, Value>>().unwrap());
// parse json
if let Some(products) = result_json["products"].as_array() {
println!("That many products {}", products.len());
for product in products {
println!("Barcode: {}, name: {}, allergens: {}.", product["code"], product["product_name"], product["allergens"]);
More details about criteria here:
Refer to the following API documentation:
List of methods of the client.
features \ api version | v-0 | v-0 example | v-2 | v-2 example | |
2-Read | product | v | let response = client.product("069000019832", None ).unwrap();(); |
x | x |
3-Search / 5-Filtering | search | v | let response =, None ).unwrap(); |
x | let response =, None ).unwrap(); |
7-Metadata | taxonomy | v | let response = client.taxonomy("nova_groups").unwrap(); | x | x |
7-Metadata | facet | v | let response = client.facet("allergens", None ).unwrap(); |
x | x |
7-Metadata | facet | v | let response = client.products_by("additive", "e322-lecithins", None ).unwrap(); |
x | x |
7-Metadata | categories | v | let response = client.categories(None ).unwrap(); |
x | x |
7-Metadata | categories | v | let response = client.products_by("category", "cheeses", None ).unwrap(); |
x | x |
7-Metadata | nutrients | v | let response = client.nutrients(None ).unwrap(); |
x | x |
can be replaced by output parameters (language (country code, cc
; and optional language code, lc
), page, page_size, fields (fields is used to reduce the response to only the fields you need)):
let output = Output::new()
.locale(Locale::new("fr", None))
.pagination(22, 20)
Whereas query can be created using criteria, ingredient, nutrient, as follows for v-0 and v-2, respectively:
let query = client
.criteria("brands", "contains", "Nestlé")
.criteria("categories", "does_not_contain", "cheese")
.ingredient("additives", "without")
.ingredient("ingredients_that_may_be_from_palm_oil", "indifferent")
.nutrient("fiber", "lt", 500)
.nutrient("salt", "gt", 100);
let query = client
.criteria("brands", "Nestlé", Some("fr"))
.criteria("categories", "-cheese", None)
.nutrient_100g("fiber", "<", 500)
.nutrient_serving("salt", "=", 100);
If you use this SDK, feel free to open a PR to add your application in this list.