This repository has been archived by the owner on Sep 5, 2023. It is now read-only.
What's Changed
- Change credits text view to support hyperlinks by @yegorsch in #45
- New Crowdin translations by @teolemon in #40
- Change Username keyboard to e-mail address by @rudrankriyam in #47
- Update LICENSE by @rudrankriyam in #69
- Resolves #56 Add iOS Open Beauty Facts application link by @rudrankriyam in #68
- Add 'the free food products database' heading in the Launch Screen by @rudrankriyam in #50
- New Crowdin translations by @teolemon in #63
- Create Pull Request Template by @rudrankriyam in #77
- Resolves #75 Added Contact and Frequently Asked Questions button by @rudrankriyam in #76
- Resolves #52 Add "Forgot password?" button by @rudrankriyam in #62
- Resolves #73 Translate Open Food Facts" button by @rudrankriyam in #74
- Create issue template by @rudrankriyam in #86
- Button to share product is added by @yegorsch in #64
- Resolves #92, Identifier Name Violation Issues after updating to Xcode 9.3 by @antsangrigoli in #93
- Create contributing template by @rudrankriyam in #87
- Resolves #78, resolves #79 Translate Test Strings and Remove $(PRODUCT_NAME) by @rudrankriyam in #90
- Updated string for issue #100 by @maevekenny in #103
- Resolve #85 Search: Products keep repeating by @rudrankriyam in #104
- New Crowdin translations by @teolemon in #70
- New Crowdin translations by @teolemon in #105
- New Crowdin translations by @teolemon in #106
- New Crowdin translations by @teolemon in #108
- New Crowdin translations by @teolemon in #111
- Update travis build for xcode 10.1 by @philippeauriach in #120
- Continuous scan of products by @philippeauriach in #118
- Use official images assets for nutriscore by @philippeauriach in #119
- New Crowdin translations by @teolemon in #121
- New Crowdin translations by @teolemon in #124
- Update mocks to the new productApi interface signature by @philippeauriach in #125
- Made some display fixes in the continous scan feature by @philippeauriach in #126
- Improved history and search results display by @philippeauriach in #127
- Images were not displayed in ingredients and nutrition table tabs by @philippeauriach in #129
- Display some taxonomies full name and make them clickable by @philippeauriach in #128
- New Crowdin translations by @teolemon in #130
- fix constraint in continuous scan summary (bug on ipad) by @philippeauriach in #134
- New Crowdin translations by @teolemon in #131
- New Crowdin translations by @teolemon in #157
- New Crowdin translations by @teolemon in #159
- Full product creation by @philippeauriach in #156
- Settings reorganization - fixes #139 by @s4rv4d in #158
- Ask confirmation before deleting search history by @philippeauriach in #165
- Allergens presence alerts by @philippeauriach in #174
- Branding & UI/UX by @philippeauriach in #175
- New Crowdin translations by @teolemon in #161
- Tiny issues, carbon footprint, header reformat by @philippeauriach in #192
- Wording fixes by @teolemon in #194
- New Crowdin translations by @teolemon in #193
- Logout alert vc and added new keys in localizable file fixes issue 148 by @s4rv4d in #166
- Show scan on startup button - fixes#147 by @s4rv4d in #162
- New Crowdin translations by @teolemon in #197
- New Crowdin translations by @teolemon in #198
- New Crowdin translations by @teolemon in #202
- Resolves #199 Essentials URL not localised by @rudrankriyam in #200
- Resolves #149 Contact doesn't do anything when clicked by @rudrankriyam in #191
- New Crowdin translations by @teolemon in #210
- New Crowdin translations by @teolemon in #215
- New Crowdin translations by @teolemon in #218
- Text in local language by @aleene in #223
- Resolves #185 String bug in settings by @rudrankriyam in #225
- New Crowdin translations by @teolemon in #224
- Issue 211 by @philippeauriach in #228
- New Crowdin translations by @teolemon in #230
- Save previous sections when saving. Fixes #179 by @philippeauriach in #231
- New Crowdin translations by @teolemon in #232
- Accept coma or dot for double value. Fix #183 by @philippeauriach in #234
- New Crowdin translations by @teolemon in #233
- New Crowdin translations by @teolemon in #236
- New Crowdin translations by @teolemon in #237
- New Crowdin translations by @teolemon in #239
- The images are now localized as well. by @teolemon in #238
- New Crowdin translations by @teolemon in #240
- Resolves #151, #204, #205, #206 Tiny Fixes - 1 by @rudrankriyam in #221
- New Crowdin translations by @teolemon in #242
- Other language approach by @aleene in #247
- Minerals/Vitamins/Nucleotides by @aleene in #246
- offline products consultation. Fix #35 by @philippeauriach in #249
- Localized languages by @aleene in #248
- New Crowdin translations by @teolemon in #244
- New Crowdin translations by @teolemon in #251
- Nutrition table in webview. Fix #213 by @philippeauriach in #252
- New Crowdin translations by @teolemon in #253
- Missing states key in all and summary product fields by @philippeauriach in #255
- Cropping of product search no results label by @rudrankriyam in #256
- New Crowdin translations by @teolemon in #254
- Fix for carbon impact by @teolemon in #259
- Update by @rudrankriyam in #264
- New Crowdin translations by @teolemon in #258
- New Crowdin translations by @teolemon in #270
- Xcode 10 2 by @philippeauriach in #283
- New Crowdin translations by @teolemon in #280
- Create product language #281 by @philippeauriach in #285
- kill xliff by @teolemon in #293
- Load full product when coming from search, to be sure we have all needed data by @philippeauriach in #297
- Full product edition by @philippeauriach in #284
- New Crowdin translations by @teolemon in #295
- New Crowdin translations by @teolemon in #298
- fix The portion size is repeated on the nutrition tab by @safiach in #302
- fix Add a title for the nutrient levels by @safiach in #303
- Remove double slashes in taxonomies URLs by @cquest in #299
- New Crowdin translations by @teolemon in #300
- UI Main thread warnings and dutch by @aleene in #311
- Fixed subtitle formatting on string 58 by @kant in #312
- Resolves #261 Weird template for contact by @rudrankriyam in #262
- New Crowdin translations by @teolemon in #309
- New Crowdin translations by @teolemon in #314
- New Crowdin translations by @teolemon in #317
- New Crowdin translations by @teolemon in #319
- New Crowdin translations by @teolemon in #320
- New Crowdin translations by @teolemon in #322
- New Crowdin translations by @teolemon in #323
- New Crowdin translations by @teolemon in #324
- New Crowdin translations by @teolemon in #327
- New Crowdin translations by @teolemon in #328
- New Crowdin translations by @teolemon in #331
- Fix new product creation #325 by @philippeauriach in #330
- #60 - Display full name of additives, as a list by @aubincleme in #332
- #289: Typo in string "Login in with your account" by @aubincleme in #334
- Pull in 3.18.0 version of Realm by @SuzGupta in #346
- New Crowdin translations by @teolemon in #342
- Crash on startup IOS13 by @aleene in #344
- Fix build for MarqueeLabel.framework by @SuzGupta in #350
- Pr/333 by @teolemon in #348
- Solves product creation by @aleene in #329
- Pruning by @aleene in #263
- Added .xcodesample.plist to OpenFoodFacts.xcodeprroj/ to force Xcode … by @SuzGupta in #361
- Hopefully solves #355 by @aleene in #356
- Simple Xcode 11 warning repairs by @aleene in #359
- Fix broken build by @mike011 in #363
- Traces/Vitamins/Nucleotides/Minerals/Other tags by @aleene in #257
- New Crowdin translations by @teolemon in #349
- Tag crash by @aleene in #291
- Set font family to apple default for webviews by @codethebeard in #375
- #371 new product barcode is now accepted. by @aleene in #374
- Upgrade to Swift 5.1 by @mike011 in #373
- #369 corrected urls by @aleene in #370
- #362 dark mode supported by @aleene in #366
- Fixes Create an account and Forgot password button landings in LoginV… by @SuzGupta in #365
- New Crowdin translations by @teolemon in #380
- Add back the file by @SuzGupta in #385
- Dark mode details solved by @aleene in #384
- Fixed a ton of lint warnings, now there are only 4 warnings by @mike011 in #391
- New Crowdin translations by @teolemon in #390
- #387 transparency of search results solved by @aleene in #389
- New Crowdin translations by @teolemon in #352
- Add fastlane support for screenshots by @aubincleme in #338
- Issue 386 native credit by @davidlamys in #398
- New Crowdin translations by @teolemon in #401
- #397 dark mode finetuning by @aleene in #399
- #407 activity indicator now honoring dark mode by @aleene in #409
- Issue 408 dark mode webview by @aleene in #411
- New Crowdin translations by @teolemon in #404
- New Crowdin translations by @teolemon in #423
- 416/417/418/419 UI improvements by @aleene in #424
- #422 name and ingredients are now shown in edit mode. by @aleene in #425
- Workaround for #432 by @teolemon in #434
- Wait up to 180 minutes for travis with no output to finish and run the unit and ui tests by @mike011 in #406
- Added Carthage and README troubleshooting by @SuzGupta in #413
- #431 set backgrounds to .clear. by @aleene in #437
- Add the new strings to the localizable files by @aleene in #436
- New Crowdin translations by @teolemon in #438
- New Crowdin translations by @teolemon in #439
- New Crowdin translations by @teolemon in #440
- Standardize hiding/showing of labels for offline product and db response in ScanProductSummaryView by @davidlamys in #412
- localized-urls by @teolemon in #447
- 446 removed definition of SecureServer by @aleene in #449
445 removed localizable files by @aleene in #450
- #443 added forgot password translations by @aleene in #452
- #429 swipe down to hide floating panel by @aleene in #453
- New Crowdin translations by @teolemon in #454
- #146 Add 'Scan your first product' button by @nick130586 in #455
- #458 a new image is now assigned to the right language. by @aleene in #459
- #444 Repaired language dependent urls by @aleene in #451
- Delete duplicate localization files and fix en.lproj and nl.lproj paths by @magauran in #333
- Fonts changed to textStyles by @aleene in #410
- New Crowdin translations by @teolemon in #460
- #140 added a button to the nutriscore by @aleene in #461
- #59 added the generic name to the summary view by @aleene in #462
- #61 reinstalled share button by @aleene in #463
- Resolves #88 Add new white icons [WIP] by @rudrankriyam in #91
- #66 limited the fields in a product search query by @aleene in #465
- #467 removed hardcoded english by @aleene in #468
- #464 did the migration by @aleene in #469
- #466 introduced optional chaining by @aleene in #470
- #141 extra nova row by @aleene in #471
- #219 repaired contributions url when logged in with email address. by @aleene in #472
- #245 Edited json keys for traces by @aleene in #473
- #475 - adapt nova strings by @aleene in #476
- #477 adapted App Store icons (and deleted non relevant ones) by @aleene in #478
- fix-nova-strings by @teolemon in #480
- New Crowdin translations by @teolemon in #481
- New Crowdin translations by @teolemon in #482
- New Crowdin translations by @teolemon in #483
- New Crowdin translations by @teolemon in #493
- #136 Add the ability to remove history items by @nick130586 in #489
- #486 moved the tableView reloadData by @aleene in #490
- #402 Added a save barButton by @aleene in #474
- #491 editing packaging is now supported by @aleene in #492
- #184 Reformatted login page by @aleene in #479
- New Crowdin translations by @teolemon in #494
- #496 solved crash by @aleene in #497
- New Crowdin translations by @teolemon in #495
- #220 user agent set for all http requests. by @aleene in #505
- #500 changed "add picture" image color by @aleene in #504
- New Crowdin translations by @teolemon in #503
- #498 increased height of NOVA stackview on Ingredients tab by @aleene in #499
- Countries as tags by @aleene in #518
- Update crowdin.yml by @teolemon in #514
- #507 Better scaling of nova explanation. by @aleene in #512
- #509 read novaGroup as int and string by @aleene in #511
- #508 logging in no longer worked. by @aleene in #510
- #519 nicer tap through to site pages by @aleene in #523
- #520 limit the maximum height of the NOVA image by @aleene in #524
- #512 nutriments are now saved as well. by @aleene in #525
- #517 nicer fall back if there are no nutrients. by @aleene in #526
- New Crowdin translations by @teolemon in #529
- New Crowdin translations by @teolemon in #530
- #533 added selector check by @aleene in #534
- [Up for review] Vegan / Vegetarian / Palm oil detector by @teolemon in #414
- New Crowdin translations by @teolemon in #541
- New Crowdin translations by @teolemon in #543
- New Crowdin translations by @teolemon in #544
- New Crowdin translations by @teolemon in #547
- #545 login button is always enabled. by @aleene in #546
- New Crowdin translations by @teolemon in #552
- Ignore scan of invalid barcodes. Fix #304 by @philippeauriach in #551
- #548 Added check to see if all taxonomies have any content. If not a … by @aleene in #549
- Feature/promo system home #154 by @philippeauriach in #550
- Ingredients analysis fix #321 by @philippeauriach in #554
- New Crowdin translations by @teolemon in #555
- [WIP] #321 by @philippeauriach in #557
- New Crowdin translations by @teolemon in #556
- fix #559 by @philippeauriach in #560
- New Crowdin translations by @teolemon in #558
- New Crowdin translations by @teolemon in #561
- #321 by @philippeauriach in #570
- New Crowdin translations by @teolemon in #571
- New Crowdin translations by @teolemon in #572
- New Crowdin translations by @teolemon in #578
- Fix #580 & #581 by @philippeauriach in #582
- New Crowdin translations by @teolemon in #586
- Fix #583 by @philippeauriach in #587
- New Crowdin translations by @teolemon in #588
- Set main language upon create by @aleene in #589
- New Crowdin translations by @teolemon in #590
- New Crowdin translations by @teolemon in #592
- Fixed bug where HTML elements would appear in product names by @punss in #597
- Fixes #553 by @chaubss in #596
- Ask for robotoff questions if any by @philippeauriach in #595
- New Crowdin translations by @teolemon in #594
- New Crowdin translations by @teolemon in #598
- New Crowdin translations by @teolemon in #599
- New Crowdin translations by @teolemon in #600
- Revert html decoder, as it hangs the application by @aleene in #605
- #603 adapted Hunger confirm buttons to dark mode. by @aleene in #606
- New Crowdin translations by @teolemon in #612
- #591 Trying to prevent the BLTNBoard crash by @aleene in #611
- fix padding of ingredients analysis switch label Fix #585 by @philippeauriach in #608
- #609 added optionals. by @aleene in #610
- #603 finally was able to test a robotoff question. Did some finetuning. by @aleene in #614
- fix settings cell selection fix#616 by @philippeauriach in #617
- New Crowdin translations by @teolemon in #621
- New Crowdin translations by @teolemon in #622
- Use xcodegen to generate the xcode project and fix the build: all tests building, unit tests succeeding by @acecilia in #623
- New Crowdin translations by @teolemon in #628
- #573 added an open in Safari share activity by @aleene in #615
- #620 better image uploading by @aleene in #633
- New Crowdin translations by @teolemon in #629
- login-not-username by @teolemon in #637
- New Crowdin translations by @teolemon in #635
- New Crowdin translations by @teolemon in #639
- New Crowdin translations by @teolemon in #640
- New Crowdin translations by @teolemon in #641
- New Crowdin translations by @teolemon in #642
- #53 Allow to export the product history to CSV by @nick130586 in #643
- #55 Allow to switch language from the settings by @nick130586 in #649
- Added a localized string by @aleene in #658
- Added "API_CANCEL_TITLE" = "Cancel"; by @aleene in #660
- New Crowdin translations by @teolemon in #653
- New Crowdin translations by @teolemon in #663
- New Crowdin translations by @teolemon in #664
- #654 the packaging fields is now correctly handled. by @aleene in #656
- New Crowdin translations by @teolemon in #665
- Use standard action icon for csv history export. by @aleene in #657
- The correct language and image type for added products by @aleene in #669
- fix pH by @teolemon in #666
- New Crowdin translations by @teolemon in #670
- Progress indicator added by @aleene in #671
- Prepare for universal links by @aleene in #668
- Refactoring and improvements by @mohammedsafwat in #667
- New Crowdin translations by @teolemon in #672
- Added localisations in english by @aleene in #676
- New Crowdin translations by @teolemon in #679
- Add kcal energy by @aleene in #677
- Added warnings for nutriscore by @aleene in #680
- New Crowdin translations by @teolemon in #681
- Fix for translations by @teolemon in #688
- Resolves issue 685. Truncated text in settings. by @vicksolanki in #693
- Feature/sentry crash reports by @philippeauriach in #690
- New Crowdin translations by @teolemon in #682
- Fix crash in AnalyticsManager using setValue instead of setTag by @philippeauriach in #696
New Contributors
- @yegorsch made their first contribution in #45
- @rudrankriyam made their first contribution in #47
- @antsangrigoli made their first contribution in #93
- @maevekenny made their first contribution in #103
- @s4rv4d made their first contribution in #158
- @safiach made their first contribution in #302
- @cquest made their first contribution in #299
- @kant made their first contribution in #312
- @aubincleme made their first contribution in #332
- @SuzGupta made their first contribution in #346
- @mike011 made their first contribution in #363
- @codethebeard made their first contribution in #375
- @davidlamys made their first contribution in #398
- @nick130586 made their first contribution in #455
- @magauran made their first contribution in #333
- @punss made their first contribution in #597
- @chaubss made their first contribution in #596
- @acecilia made their first contribution in #623
- @mohammedsafwat made their first contribution in #667
- @vicksolanki made their first contribution in #693
Full Changelog: 1.0-19...3.4.4