Tags: openfigis/vme
Experiment with multiple measures. Will not be applied yet in production.
This has been released in production on 1 December 2014
1EntityManagerFix: Playing with ApplicationScope MissingStringFix: This morning I have applied the fix to update the lost strings with the one from the backup. This is the report: Total amount of MultiLingualStrings 5095. Number of Registered Without String 614. Number of fixes applied: 563. This means we corrected 563 strings out of 614 and we have lost 51 strings. So this was not only good news. The bad news is that I have not found yet the root cause of the problem. Could you please verify whether the fix was applied correctly? I will work on a report to explain you better where the 51 string do relate to. They can related to everything which has text.
after this tag vmeDaoSearch.class and related classes are removed
after having applied and deleted ValidityPeriod beginYear and endYear
This is the state of master branch before merging with sonar.