The frontend and visualization of data are done using GitHub Pages.
GitHub Pages is designed to host project pages directly from a GitHub repository.
- Clone the repository
- From terminal enter in the directory where the project is cloned.
- sudo gem install jekyll (if its not installed)
- Command to run the app: "jekyll serve"
Every branch should be merged with gh-pages branch in order to see the updates on:
Some of the data are imported to database and some of them are saved in database.
Voluntarism and activism
-Citizen engagement in CSOs, the code is : 5N1 -Citizen experience with CSOs, the code is :5N3
Perceptions on civil society
-Civil society in Kosovo as a truthful monitor of democratic developments in Kosovo, the code is: 5A7_5 -Interpersonal trust, the code is: 5N4 -Perceptions over corruption in CSOs, the code is: 5C15
UNDP Pulic Pulse