An API to access data used by the European Commission's Financial Transparency System (FTS).
Download the raw data by clicking on the "download" hyperlink in their website's help page.
A query filter is sent as a POST request JSON message body.
"years": [2015, 2016],
"territories": ["Albania", "Bosnia and Herzegovina", "Croatia", "Kosovo", "Macedonia", "Montenegro", "Serbia"],
"beneficiaries": ["AB AMBER GRID", "LITGRID AB*"],
"expenseTypes": ["Operational", "Administrative"],
"responsibleDepartments": ["Innovation and Networks Executive Agency"],
"budgetLines": ["Sustainable energy"],
"actionTypes": ["Cohesion Fund (CF)", "Food and Feed"],
"fundingTypes": ["Grants", "Provisional commitment followed by payment"],
"amount": {
"gte": 50000,
"lte": 100000
"sortBy": ["year", "territory"],
"order": "asc"
"count": 2,
"amount": {
"total": 120000,
"min": 40000,
"max": 80000,
"avg": 60000
"results": [{
"years": 2015,
"territory": "Croatia",
"beneficiary": "AB AMBER GRID",
"expenseType": "Operational",
"responsibleDepartment": "Innovation and Networks Executive Agency",
"budgetLine": "Sustainable energy",
"actionTypes": "Cohesion Fund (CF)",
"fundingTypes": "Grants",
"amount": 40000
"years": 2016,
"territory": "Kosovo",
"beneficiary": "LITGRID AB*",
"expenseType": "Operational",
"responsibleDepartment": "Innovation and Networks Executive Agency",
"budgetLine": "Sustainable energy",
"actionTypes": "Cohesion Fund (CF)",
"fundingTypes": "Grants",
"amount": 80000
Allow for filter parameter that defines grouping of results, e.g. group by budget line.
Get list of beneficiaries and their total amount for a given year and territory.
"count": 0,
"results": []
Get list of expense types and their total amount for a given year.
"count": 0,
"results": []
Get list of responsible departments and their total amount for a given year.
"count": 0,
"results": []
Get list of budget lines and their total amount for a given year.
"count": 0,
"results": []
Get list of action types and their total amount for a given year.
"count": 0,
"results": []