Overview of all Watcom C/C++/Fotran ZIP archives
Core files required by all versions
core_all - Core binaries (All hosts)
core_binnt - Core binaries (NT host)
core_binp - Core binaries (OS/2 host)
core_binw - Core binaries (DOS host)
c_binnt - C compiler (NT host)
c_binp - C compiler (OS/2 host)
c_binw - C compiler (DOS host)
clib_hdr - C runtime library header files
clib_a16 - C runtime libraries (16-bit all targets)
clib_w16 - C runtime libraries (16-bit Windows)
clib_o16 - C runtime libraries (16-bit OS/2)
clib_d16 - C runtime libraries (16-bit DOS)
clib_a32 - C runtime libraries (32-bit all targets)
clib_w32 - C runtime libraries (32-bit Windows)
clib_o32 - C runtime libraries (32-bit OS/2)
clib_d32 - C runtime libraries (32-bit DOS)
clib_nlm - C runtime libraries (32-bit Novell Netware)
All C++ components require the C compiler & library ZIP's
cpp_binnt - C++ compiler (NT host)
cpp_binp - C++ compiler (OS/2 host)
cpp_binw - C++ compiler (DOS host)
cpplib_hdr - C++ runtime library header files
cpplib_a16 - C++ runtime libraries (16-bit all targets)
cpplib_w16 - C++ runtime libraries (16-bit Windows)
cpplib_o16 - C++ runtime libraries (16-bit OS/2)
cpplib_a32 - C++ runtime libraries (32-bit all targets)
cpplib_w32 - C++ runtime libraries (32-bit Windows)
cpplib_o32 - C++ runtime libraries (32-bit OS/2)
Debugger and Profiler Components
dbg_all - Debugger, profiler (All hosts)
dbg_binnt - Debugger, profiler (NT host/target)
dbg_binp - Debugger, profiler (OS/2 host/target)
dbg_binw - Debugger, profiler (DOS host/target)
dbg_nlm - Debugger, profiler (Novell Netware target files)
Integrated Development Environment Components
ide_all - IDE, editor, browser (All hosts)
ide_binnt - IDE, editor, browser (NT host)
ide_binp - IDE, editor, browser (OS/2 host)
ide_binw - IDE, editor, browser (DOS host)
Sample Programs
samples - Sample code
samples_goodies - Sample code (extra goodies)
Help files
core_hlp_win - Core help files (Win16 host)
core_hlp_nt - Core help files (NT host)
core_hlp_os2 - Core help files (OS/2 host)
core_hlp_dos - Core help files (DOS host)
c_hlp_win - C compiler & library help files (Win16 host)
c_hlp_nt - C compiler & library help files (NT host)
c_hlp_os2 - C compiler & library help files (OS/2 host)
c_hlp_dos - C compiler & library help files (DOS host)
cpp_hlp_win - C++ compiler & library help files (Win16 host)
cpp_hlp_nt - C++ compiler & library help files (NT host)
cpp_hlp_os2 - C++ compiler & library help files (OS/2 host)
cpp_hlp_dos - C++ compiler & library help files (DOS host)
dbg_hlp_win - Debugger, profiler help files (Win16 host)
dbg_hlp_nt - Debugger, profiler help files (NT host)
dbg_hlp_os2 - Debugger, profiler help files (OS/2 host)
dbg_hlp_dos - Debugger, profiler help files (DOS host)
ide_hlp_win - IDE, editor, browser help files (Win16 host)
ide_hlp_nt - IDE, editor, browser help files (NT host)
ide_hlp_os2 - IDE, editor, browser help files (OS/2 host)
ide_hlp_dos - IDE, editor, browser help files (DOS host)
Fortran specific files
fc_binnt - Fortran compiler (NT host)
fc_binp - Fortran compiler (OS/2 host)
fc_binw - Fortran compiler (DOS host)
fc_hlp_win - Fortran compiler help files (Win16 host)
fc_hlp_nt - Fortran compiler help files (NT host)
fc_hlp_os2 - Fortran compiler help files (OS/2 host)
fc_hlp_dos - Fortran compiler help files (DOS host)
flib_a16 - Fortran runtime libraries (16-bit all targets)
flib_w16 - Fortran runtime libraries (16-bit Windows)
flib_o16 - Fortran runtime libraries (16-bit OS/2)
flib_d16 - Fortran runtime libraries (16-bit DOS)
flib_a32 - Fortran runtime libraries (32-bit all targets)
flib_w32 - Fortran runtime libraries (32-bit Windows)
flib_o32 - Fortran runtime libraries (32-bit OS/2)
flib_d32 - Fortran runtime libraries (32-bit DOS)
flib_nlm - Fortran runtime libraries (32-bit Novell Netware)
fsamples - Fortran sample code