CLI Installation
# Download the binary
curl -sLO https://github.com/onepanelio/core/releases/download/v0.12.0-rc.4/opctl-linux-amd64
# Make binary executable
chmod +x opctl-linux-amd64
# Move binary to path
mv ./opctl-linux-amd64 /usr/local/bin/opctl
# Test installation
opctl version
# Download the binary
curl -sLO https://github.com/onepanelio/core/releases/download/v0.12.0-rc.4/opctl-macos-amd64
# Make binary executable
chmod +x opctl-macos-amd64
# Move binary to path
mv ./opctl-macos-amd64 /usr/local/bin/opctl
# Test installation
opctl version
Download the attached executable, rename it to "opctl" and move it to a folder that is in your PATH environment variable.
- feat: setup unit tests with database (#374)
- feat: Add support for ResourceRequirements in node pools (#393)
- feat: Add GCS support (#400)
- feat: Add onepanel-auth-token header for container API authentication (#417)
- feat: add components API (#421)
- feat: Mount namespace config for system containers (#427)
- feat: add workflow execution metadata fields (#437)
- feat: add API support to filter workflow templates by a label (#439)
- feat: Adding "parameters" to workflow template API response. (#443)
- feat: Add link to workspace templates repository (#138)
- feat: fields with a visibility of 'private' are no longer displayed (#147)
- feat: Add description UI element for workspace templates (#150)
- feat: Support HTML in hints (#151)
- feat: confirm workspace delete and increase default textarea size (#152)
- feat: add uid to ui for workspace and workflow templates (#153)
- feat: increase workspace template heights and set default description (#154)
- feat: conditionally display services in UI (#155)
- feat: Add troubleshooting info (#57)
- feat: support gcs artifact repository (#58)
- feat: Support resource limits in nodePoolOptions (#59)
- feat: Add cli support for components (#60)
- feat: display correct hosts file path on windows 10 (#70)
- feat: support gcs artifact repository (updates) (#73)
- feat: added manifests for modeldb component (#75)
- feat: upgrade argo to 2.9.4 (#78)
- feat: Add configmap role rule for default svc account (#79)
- feat: added documentation for modeldb's s3 bucket CORS (#50)
- fix: migration issue where workflow name clashed because of unix time… (#382)
- fix: Update CVAT template to Comment out filesyncer to avoid crashing (#399)
- fix: get workspaces now returns up-to-date node pool options (#410)
- fix: goose binary errors (#412)
- fix: Adding omitempty to prevent artifact keys from showing up if not set (#422)
- fix: Use consistent naming convention for GCS artifactRepository secret key (#425)
- fix: revert disable terminate buttons as it is not ready yet. (#136)
- fix: missing edit labels button in workflow execution (#139)
- fix: template status bars had failed and terminated swapped visually (#140)
- fix: issue where invalid characters had a pink background color (#148)
- fix: issue where default description for workspace templates was nginx (#156)
- fix: no artifact repository emitted an empty key in params.yaml (#65)
- fix: Issue where duplicate entries appeared in params.yaml (#66)
- fix: error check for modeldb and non s3 cloud storage (#67)
- fix: issue with using gcs as a cloud storage provider (#68)
- fix: permissions for onepanel and workflow templates (#72)
- fix: Add resource quotas support (#74)
- fix: envoy filter checks ignore auth header, if present (#76)
- docs: updated cvat quick guide to use latest images (#39)
- docs: update cvat_quick_guide.md (#44)
- docs: added ModelDB documentation (#49)
- docs: Quick start updates (#54)
- docs: Workflow documentation updates (#56)
Vafilor Vafilor
rushtehrani rushtehrani
aleksandrmelnikov aleksandrmelnikov
savan77 savan77