- Make your document to scan ready.
- How to scan faster.
- Get the raw scan files.
- Add front page.
- Add footer.
- Change file name of pdf.
- To add the front cover, footer details, pdf file name.
Name of Assignment:
Name of Subject:
Choosen out of 6 Subjects:<br>
EX451 Basic Electronics Engineering<br>
ME451 Engineering Drawing II<br>
ME452 Fundamental of Thermodynamics & Heat Transfer<br>
ME453 Workshop Technology<br>
SH451 Engineering Mathematics II<br>
SH453 Engineering Chemistry<br>
Submitted by:
Student Name:
Roll Number:
Email Id:
Submitted to:
Teacher Name:
Department Name:
College Name:
- Create .gitignore.
- License Work.
- You will obtain the each .jpeg files, page size=A4.
- Arrange pages if necessary.
- Convert to pdfs.
- Create area to add footer details. Margin from bottom.
- Add cover page.
Submitted by:
Om Prakash Sharma
Submitted to:
Institute of Engineering
Thapathali Campus