This application is a straightforward Electron-based wrapper for, designed to enhance your experience by providing an ad-free browsing environment through an integrated ad blocker.
Make sure you have both Node.js and npm (Node Package Manager) installed on your computer before starting. Node.js can be downloaded from, and npm comes bundled with it.
To set up the project on your local machine, follow the steps below:
- Clone the Repository
git clone <repository-url>
cd <repository-directory>
- Install Dependencies
npm install
This installs all necessary packages, including Electron and the ad blocker.
Start the application by executing:
npm start
This command will launch the Electron application and open within it.
To create an executable file for Windows, macOS, or Linux, you'll need a tool like electron-packager or electron-builder. Here's how to use electron-packager:
- Install electron-packager Globally
npm install electron-packager -g
- Compile the Application
For Windows:
electron-packager . --platform=win32 --arch=x64
For macOS:
electron-packager . --platform=darwin --arch=x64
For Linux:
electron-packager . --platform=linux --arch=x64
- add exectuables in read me
- fix executable icon
- Add local solver and eval bar