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This repo contains code samples used by the team when testing, working on proof of concepts for new and improved features and other explorational endeavours. Feel free to browse, take what you like and contribute back if you want.
Note: sometimes it's convenient to reference the source code instead of the NuGet packages in projects that require debugging by following the execution flow into other projects or even class libraries. For that we recommend using a very handy Visual Studio extension that allows NuGet assembly references to project references switching. That's NuGet Reference Switcher.
If you are looking for Iot.Device samples, they are all in the Iot.Device repository.
- 1-Wire sample
- Analogic/Digital converter
- Blink your first led
- Digital Analog Converter sample
- GPIO and events sample
- GPIO and events sample (.NET IoT style)
- GPIO sample pack
- I2C GPS sample
- I2C sample sample pack
- System.Device.Pwm
- System.Device.PWM sample
- System.Device.Spi sample
- System.IO.Ports serial Communication sample
- Using Azure SDK with BMP280 on M5Stack with .NET nanoFramework
- .NET nanoFramework Webserver sample pack
- HTTP Listener sample
- HTTP Listener sample
- HTTP sample pack
- HTTP sample pack
- HTTP.HttpAzureGET Sample
- HTTP.HttpAzurePOST Sample
- MQTT sample pack
- Networking sample pack
- SSL sample pack
- WiFI samples
- WiFi Soft AP sample
- AMQP sample pack
- Azure AMQP sample
- Azure IoT Device Provisioning Service (DPS) example
- Azure IoT Hub SDK with MQTT protocol
- Azure SDK sample pack
- Azure Service Bus AMQP sample
- Complete Azure MQTT sample using BMP280 sensor
- Complete Azure MQTT sample using BMP280 sensor
- HTTP.HttpAzureGET Sample
- HTTP.HttpAzurePOST Sample
- Using Azure SDK with BMP280 on M5Stack with .NET nanoFramework
- Bluetooth samples
- Complete Azure MQTT sample using BMP280 sensor
- Complete Azure MQTT sample using BMP280 sensor
- Hardware ESP32 Deep sleep sample
- Hardware ESP32 RMT sample pack
- NeoPixel Strip WS2812 with RMT
- NeoPixel Strip WS2812 with RMT
- Ultrasonic HC-SR04 sensor with RMT
- Hardware TI SimpleLink sample pack
- Texas Instruments EasyLink sample pack
- TI Power Mode
- TI utilities
- Collections sample
- Convert Base64 sample pack
- Debug Garbage Collector Test
- Execution Constraint demo
- GC stress test
- GPIO and events sample
- GPIO and events sample (.NET IoT style)
- Interop sample
- Managed resources sample
- Native events sample
- Number Parsing sample pack
- Reflection sample pack
- RTC sample
- System.Random sample
- Threading sample pack
- ToString samples
- Complete Azure MQTT sample using BMP280 sensor
- Complete Azure MQTT sample using BMP280 sensor
- Using Azure SDK with BMP280 on M5Stack with .NET nanoFramework
For documentation, providing feedback, issues and finding out how to contribute please refer to the Home repo.
Join our Discord community here.
The list of contributors to this project can be found at CONTRIBUTORS.
The nanoFramework samples are licensed under the MIT license.
This project has adopted the code of conduct defined by the Contributor Covenant to clarify expected behavior in our community. For more information see the .NET Foundation Code of Conduct.
This project is supported by the .NET Foundation.