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Node-Red node that handles Noble Bluetooth Low Energy outputs from a RuuviTag® directly, or accepts MQTT output from the Ruuvi Gateway. Example output:


Node version

Following the install instructions below it will work with Node.js up to v16

RuuviTag node


Listens to node-red-contrib-noble messages or Ruuvi Gateway MQTT messages, and parses RuuviTag weather station data in high resolution mode. Puts sensor data to msg.payload as JSON, and depending on which Ruuvi format used, contains:


temperature, humidity, pressure, accelerationX, accelerationY, accelerationZ, battery. Units are:

  • Temperature: Celcius
  • Humidity: RH-%
  • Pressure: Pascal
  • Acceleration: milli-G
  • Battery: mV


adds txPower, movementCounter, and sequenceCounter. Units are:

  • txPower: dB
  • movementCounter: incremented rolling number with movement
  • sequenceCounter: incremented sequence counter

Currently version 0.1.0, i.e. alpha-quality. All comments and suggestions are welcome, please open pull-requests (and comment that BSD-3 is ok) if you want to contribute. Suggestions for improvement can be given as github issues.

Installing on a Raspberry Pi

After a Node-red installation check the Bluetooth interface with


Install dependencies

sudo apt install libbluetooth-dev libudev-dev git

Grant the node binary "cap_net_raw" privileges, so it can start/stop BLE advertising, with command

sudo setcap cap_net_raw+eip $(eval readlink -f `which node`)

Install the noble package, the latest updated node-red-contrib-noble node and this node-red-contrib-ruuvitag node

cd ~/.node-red
npm install @abandonware/noble
npm install MatsA/node-red-contrib-noble
npm install ojousima/node-red

Restart Node-Red, sudo systemctl restart nodered, and check the installed Nodes via the Node-Red GUI. It will appear in the Node list below "advanced"


Allow duplicates in noble configuration, and set scan=true to noble node. Connect noble output to RuuviTag input, and parse RuuviTag data as you wish.

Example flow

If you want to use RAWv2 mode, install firmware version 2.4.2 and press button "B" once to enter the RAWv2 mode on RuuviTag. For more details please see ruuvi website.