Greetings everyone. My name is Shuhei Ohno. I am a PhD student, a junior researcher and a websites engineer. Please see resarchmap for more information:
Until 2020, I was a website engineer at Qumpoo inc.. Now, I develop websites as a freelancer to cover the tuition fees, and also as a student / a researcher to support academic workshops and conferences. I have executed more than 30 projects. Examples of my nonsecret products are here:
- POSMOL 2025 (International Workshop)
- 8th Japan-Thai workshop on Theoretical and Computational Chemistry 2023 (International Workshop)
- 8th International Workshop on Quantum Chemistry, 2023 (International Workshop)
- The 25th Annual Meeting of Japan Society of Theoretical Chemistry (Conference)
- Julia in Physics 2024 (Workshop)
- The Society of Japanese Women Scientists (Society)
- YCU Orchestra (Club)
- GitHub:QR (QR code generator)
- Fortran2Julia.js (Transpiler)
- Sci2Dec.js (Formatter)
- Underleaf (Real Time LaTeX Editor)
My lectures and tutorials are available here. FORTRAN and Fortran is the most popular article.
- Linear Algebra
- Eigenvalue Problems
- Rayleigh–Ritz Method
- Stochastic Differential Equations
- Langevin Equation
- Special Function
- Harmonic Oscillator
- Morse Oscillator
- Hydrogen Atom
- Rodrigues' formula
- Hartree-Fock method
- Ill-conditioned Eigenvalue problems (repo)
- FORTRAN and Fortran (repo)
My lectures and tutorials are available here. Introduction to Plots.jl is the most popular article.
- Introduction
- Hello World!
- Jupyter Notebook
- Plots.jl
- Optim.jl
- LinearAlgebra.jl
- Dates.jl
- Printf.jl
- BenchmarkTools.jl
- Running External Programs in Julia
- Latexify.jl
- LaTeXStrings
- SpecialFunctions.jl
- SpecialPolynomials.jl
- Symbolics.jl
- Measurements.jl
- BigFloat
- GenericLinearAlgebra.jl
- GeoJSON.jl
Here are examples of JavaScript libraries via CDNs:
- c3.js
- MathJax
- Marked
- EasyMDE
- popup.js
- clipboard.js
- download.js
- Material Icons
- MoreToggles.css
- GitHub:buttons
- highlight.js
- escape-html
- Three.js
Here are the setup procedures for the scientific softwares: