Not licensed by or associated with Activision or Call of Duty.
- Full Black Ops 4 Support - blackout, mp, zombies
- Get profile information - prestige, rank, xp, and more...
- Get recent matches and stats - map, mode, win/loss, kills, deaths, SPM, K/D Ratio, and more...
- Get leaderboard information - weekly, monthly, alltime, for all game modes
You can install via the NuGet package manager
Install-Package codbo4-csharp
Or clone the repository and install dependencies
git clone
You can use this API for free, forever and without any limits.
Note: You don't need to validate user before making a request, although they must be stored on the database.
- username string - Gamertag of the user
- platform - PS4, Xbox One, Steam,
using CODBO4;
var user = await Task.Run(() => API.ValidateUser("RandomUsername", Platform.PS4));
if (user.success)
Console.WriteLine("User Id: " + user.uid);
//stats not found
"success": true,
"username": "RandomUsername",
"id": 123456
- userid long array - Containing user ids
var users = await Task.Run(() => API.GetUserById(327154, 396158));
foreach (var user in users)
Console.WriteLine("Username: " + user.username);
Tip: While the userId parameter is not required, providing it will give you a much faster response.
- username string - Name of the user
- userId long - Id of the user (optional)
- platform - PS4, Xbox One, Steam or
- mode - Multiplayer or Blackout
var profile = await Task.Run(() => API.GetProfile("tapxtherace", 326423, Platform.PS4, Mode.Multiplayer));
Console.WriteLine("Username: " + profile.user.username);
Console.WriteLine("Prestige: " + profile.user.stats.prestige);
Console.WriteLine("Level: " + profile.user.stats.level);
"identifier": "abcdefg-hijklmn-opqrstu-xyz1234",
"user": {
"id": 326423,
"username": "tapxtherace",
"platform": "psn",
"title": "bo4"
"stats": {
"blackoutExtra": {
"top5placementteam": 1,
"top10placementteam": 2,
"top15placementteam": 2,
"top5placementsolo": 1,
"top25placementsolo": 3,
"vehicleescapes": 0,
"vehiclescavengerair": 0,
"vehiclescavengerland": 0,
"vehiclescavengerwater": 0,
"vehiclesdestroyed": 1,
"vehicleusedall": 0,
"vehiclelockexits": 0,
"vehiclessestroyedoccupied": 1,
"vehicledamageoccupied": 877,
"killsvehicledriver": 0,
"vehicledamage": 877,
"winswithoutkills": 0,
"mostkillsinagame": 0,
"distancetraveledwingsuit": 253554,
"distancetraveledwingsuitmiles": 4,
"distancetraveledvehicleland": 347339,
"distancetraveledvehiclelandmiles": 5,
"distancetraveledvehicleair": 0,
"distancetraveledvehicleairmiles": 0,
"distancetraveledvehiclewater": 30723,
"distancetraveledvehiclewatermiles": 0,
"itemspickedup": 461,
"itemsdropped": 0,
"killsrevenge": 0
"multiplayerExtra": [],
"level": 39,
"maxlevel": 0,
"prestige": 5,
"prestigeid": 0,
"maxprestige": 0,
"kills": 17002,
"killsconfirmed": 70,
"deaths": 5072,
"gamesplayed": 422,
"wins": 295,
"losses": 127,
"melee": 12,
"hits": 45816,
"misses": 159629,
"rankxp": 727623,
"careerscore": 2841495,
"totalheals": 323270,
"ekia": 23989,
"longestkillstreak": 44,
"curwinstreak": 0,
"totalshots": 316929,
"teamkills": 64,
"suicides": 24,
"offends": 1289,
"killsdenied": 101,
"captures": 741,
"defends": 1273,
"timeplayed": 201801,
"weapondata": "true"
"matches": [
"identifier": "abcdefg-hijklmn-opqrstu-xyz1234",
"kills": 36,
"deaths": 3,
"ekia": 43,
"gamesplayed": 1,
"wins": 0,
"losses": 1,
"totalshots": 405,
"captures": 0,
"defends": 0,
"careerscore": 4375,
"timeplayed": 263,
"rankxp": 0,
"time": 1539869661,
"format": "2018-10-18 16:34:21"
"weapondata": [
"identifier": "ability_smart_cover",
"name": "Smart Cover (Ability)",
"kills": 14,
"backstabber_kill": 0,
"deaths": 4,
"timesused": 0,
"used": 0,
"deathsduringuse": 0,
"hits": 0,
"ekia": 20,
"destroyed": 0,
"headshots": 0,
"shots": 49,
"assists": 8,
"damagedone": 2843
- username string - Name of the user
- platform - PS4, Xbox One, Steam or
- mode - Multiplayer or Blackout
var matches = await Task.Run(() => API.GetUserMatches("username", Platform.PS4, Mode.Multiplayer));
foreach (var match in matches.entries)
Console.WriteLine("Map Name: " + match.mapName);
Console.WriteLine("Kills: " + match.stats.kills);
Console.WriteLine("Deaths: " + match.stats.deaths);
"success": true,
"uid": 123456,
"username": "username",
"platform": "psn",
"game": "bo4",
"type": "mp",
"matchesCount": 20,
"entries": [
"identifier": "8870392559064980469",
"gameMode": "bounty",
"gameModeName": "Heist",
"map": "mp_icebreaker",
"mapName": "Ice breaker",
"mapImage": "",
"matchStart": 1541764351,
"matchEnd": 1541764971,
"matchWon": 1,
"CTS": 780,
"teams": {
"winningTeam": 2,
"playerTeam": 2,
"playerPosition": 5,
"teamScore": {
"team1": 1,
"team2": 4
"stats": {
"kills": 4,
"ekia": 3,
"assists": 0,
"deaths": 2,
"highestKillStreak": 3, /*ONLY-MULTIPLAYER*/
"headshots": 0,
"shotsFired": 96,
"shotsLanded": 21,
"shotsMissed": 75
"formatForSite": "2018-11-09 13:02:51",
"privateMatch": false
- rows integer - Number of rows to fetch
Currently only allows for requesting up to the first 100 rows of players.
var matches = await Task.Run(() => API.GetRecentMatches(50));
foreach (var match in matches.entries)
Console.WriteLine("Map Id: " + match.matchInfo.matchMapId);
foreach (var player in match.playerEntries)
Console.WriteLine("Player Id: " + player.uid);
Console.WriteLine("Kills: " + player.kills);
"success": true,
"rows": 1,
"game": "bo4",
"platform": "psn",
"entries": [
"mid": "10443371133280017458",
"utcStart": 1541003893,
"utcEnd": 1541004262,
"matchInfo": {
"matchDuration": 369,
"matchType": "mp",
"matchMapId": "mp_hacienda",
"matchMode": "tdm"
"teams": {
"teamScore": {
"team1": 65,
"team2": 75
"winningTeam": 2
"playerEntries": [
"uid": 327154,
"prestige": 2,
"rank": 46,
"team": 1,
"position": 2,
"kills": 20,
"deaths": 12,
"ekia": 23,
"highestKillStreak": 3,
"assists": 3,
"headshots": 0,
"shotsFired": 428,
"shotsLanded": 106,
"shotsMissed": 322
"uid": 396158,
"prestige": 1,
"rank": 50,
"team": 2,
"position": 5,
"kills": 12,
"deaths": 8,
"ekia": 16,
"highestKillStreak": 5,
"assists": 4,
"headshots": 0,
"shotsFired": 271,
"shotsLanded": 82,
"shotsMissed": 189
- matchId long - Id of the match to fetch
var matches = await Task.Run(() => API.GetMatch(10443371133280017458));
foreach (var match in matches.entry)
Console.WriteLine("Map Id: " + match.matchInfo.matchMapId);
foreach (var player in match.playerEntries)
Console.WriteLine("Player Id: " + player.uid);
Console.WriteLine("Kills: " + player.kills);
"success": true,
"game": "bo4",
"platform": "psn",
"entry": [
"mid": "10443371133280017458",
"utcStart": 1541003893,
"utcEnd": 1541004262,
"matchInfo": {
"matchDuration": 369,
"matchType": "mp",
"matchMapId": "mp_hacienda",
"matchMode": "tdm"
"teams": {
"teamScore": {
"team1": 65,
"team2": 75
"winningTeam": 2
"playerEntries": [
"uid": 327154,
"prestige": 2,
"rank": 46,
"team": 1,
"position": 2,
"kills": 20,
"deaths": 12,
"ekia": 23,
"highestKillStreak": 3,
"assists": 3,
"headshots": 0,
"shotsFired": 428,
"shotsLanded": 106,
"shotsMissed": 322
"uid": 396158,
"prestige": 1,
"rank": 50,
"team": 2,
"position": 5,
"kills": 12,
"deaths": 8,
"ekia": 16,
"highestKillStreak": 5,
"assists": 4,
"headshots": 0,
"shotsFired": 271,
"shotsLanded": 82,
"shotsMissed": 189
"uid": 327154,
"username": "Jedi_340_VI",
"platform": "psn",
"game": "bo4"
"uid": 396158,
"username": "MOST-Nebula",
"platform": "psn",
"game": "bo4"
- platform - PS4, Xbox One, Steam or
- scope - Kills, Deaths, Ekia, Wins, Losses, Games Played, Time Played
- rows integer - Number of rows to fetch
Currently only allows for requesting up to the first 100 rows of players.
var data = await Task.Run(() => API.GetLeaderboard(Platform.PS4, Scope.Kills, 50));
foreach (var user in data.entries)
"rows": 100,
"platform": "all",
"scope": "kills",
"entries": [
"username": "DooMTheRace",
"platform": "psn",
"level": {
"id": 27,
"image": ""
"prestige": {
"id": 4,
"image": ""
"kills": 22490,
"deaths": 7094,
"ekia": 24948,
"wins": 486,
"losses": 129,
"gamesplayed": 615,
"timeplayed": 278477
This project is licensed under the General Public License v3.