A clean theme for fish shell managed by Oh my fish
omf update # Just if your omf installation is old. Avoids missing the package
omf install fishbone
omf (Oh my fish) is a package manager for fish shell. Just like pip is for Python and gem is for Ruby
- Only displays an abbreviatted path on left side;
- Displays the current time at right;
- On git repositories shows its current branch and modifications on right side;
- For Python users, if there is an active virtualenv, it will be displayed at right between brackets;
- Colon at left side becames red if last command fails;
- At start up, shows user name, date, uptime, informations about OS, CPU, memory and network;
We have two branches:
- master: Where the necessary files for theme is;
- animation: There is two adicional files (animation.cxf, fishbone.gif) that is used for theme example at README.md file.
The theme files are separated as follows:
- fish_prompt.fish: Has the function to print the prompt line;
- fish_right_prompt.fish: Prints the right side of the shell prompt;
- fish_greeting.fish: Prints the welcome message at shell session start up;
We are not stringent with contributions. Just fork the project, do some modifications and send us a Pull request : ) Bugs and improvements can be reported/suggested as issues.