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Header Ogu.Extensions.Logging.Timings

.NET Core Desktop NuGet Nuget


This library brings the feature-rich capabilities of SerilogTimings to Microsoft.Extensions.Logging. Designed to seamlessly integrate with Microsoft.Extensions.Logging, this library enables developers to incorporate structured timing measurements into their log entries, enhancing the logging experience and providing valuable performance insights. If you are already familiar with SerilogTimings, you'll find it easy to use this library as it maintains the same ease of use and flexibility while targeting Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.


  • Structured Timing Logs: Add precise timing information to your log entries using structured logs, enhancing your ability to analyze and diagnose application performance.
  • Effortless Integration: Seamlessly integrate the timing functionality into your existing Microsoft.Extensions.Logging workflow without any additional dependencies.
  • Flexibility: Enjoy the benefits of timings in your Microsoft.Extensions.Logging-based projects, keeping the freedom to choose your preferred logging providers.


You can install the library via NuGet Package Manager:

dotnet add package Ogu.Extensions.Logging.Timings


example 1:

using (logger.TimeOperation("User: {UserId} is saving to database", userId))


info: Timings.Console.Program[0]
      User: 1 is saving to database completed in 0.4712ms

example 2:

using (var op = logger.BeginOperation("User: {UserId} is removing from database.", userId))
    if (true)

    // Do some operations

    op.Complete("Username", "ogulcanturan");


warn: Timings.Console.Program[0]
      User: 1 is removing from database. abandoned in 0.0581ms

example 3:

using (var op = logger.BeginOperation("You will not see this message on console, because of this statement => 'op.Cancel()'"))
    if (true)

    // Do some operations



example 4:

using (var op = logger.BeginOperation("Doing some operations..."))
        int calculation = int.Parse("You cannot parse this to number!");
    catch (Exception ex)

    op.Complete(); // If you don't call 'op.Complete()' it will call implicitly 'op.Abandon()'


info: Timings.Console.Program[0]
      Doing some operations... completed in 1434.2430ms
      System.FormatException: The input string 'You cannot parse this to number!' was not in a correct format.
         at System.Number.ThrowOverflowOrFormatException(ParsingStatus status, ReadOnlySpan`1 value, TypeCode type)
         at System.Int32.Parse(String s)
         at Timings.Console.Program.Main(String[] args) in ...

example 5:

using (logger.OperationAt(LogLevel.Trace).Time("App is closing..."))
    // Do some operations


trce: Timings.Console.Program[0]
      App is closing... completed in 0.0015ms

Sample Application

A sample application demonstrating the usage of Ogu.Extensions.Logging.Timings can be found here.