Next Chapter is a personal book tracking website application.
- User Login and Sign Up
- Book Search
- Adding books to shelves (Currently Reading, To Be Read, and Read)
- Moving books between shelves
- Adding notes
- Adding ratings and reviews
- Deleting books
This repository contains two versions: one built with React JS and another with Vue JS. This project was developed for the purpose of practicing full-stack development.
- TRPC for creating type-safe APIs
- Prisma as the ORM
- Turso for database
- Zod for data validation
- Clerk for authentication
- Express for production server
- Elysia JS for development server
- Netlify Serverless function for deploying the server
- Trpc panel for faster TRPC API development
- Vite as the bundler
- React Material UI
- Tailwind CSS
- Trpc client
- React Query
- Clerk for authentication
- Vite as the bundler
- Vuetify
- Tailwind CSS
- Trpc client
- Vue Query
- Clerk for authentication