Version: #VERSION#
Date: #DATE#
AcmeFetch is a thin wrapper arount the Net::ACME2 library to fetch and maintain ssl certificates using the the services of Let's Encrypt!
To build AcmeFetch you require the perl, openssl and gcc packages on your system.
On RedHat you get them with:
yum install perl-core openssl-devel gcc unzip
On Ubuntu / Debian with:
apt-get install perl libssl-dev gcc unzip make
Get a copy of AcmeFetch from and unpack it into your scratch directory and cd there.
./configure --prefix=$HOME/opt/acmefetch
Configure will check if all requirements are met and give hints on how to fix the situation if something is missing.
Any missing perl modules will be built and installed into the prefix directory. Your system perl will NOT be affected by this.
To install the application, just run
make install
Take a look at the etc/acmefetch.cfg.dist file for inspiration.
First make sure you understand how letsencrypt certificates work by reading
Then read the acmefetch documentation in the doc directory and finally take some inspiration from the sample configuration file provided.
Tobias Oetiker [email protected]