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Simple-photo-blog allows you to create a super easy to update static-server blog: copy your photo and double-click the app to upload.

Why is it useful? Albeit setup might be slight tricky this would allow non-tech bloggers easily maintain a blog on a free-hosting service. Sure, there are plenty of Static-site generators that should do pretty much the same thing, but these will require the blogger to write MarkDown code which might not be trivial for everyone.


To install the module, run

npm install --save-dev simple-photo-blog

For contributing to the development, fork the GitHub repository.


Add the following line to you package.json, at the scripts section:

  'upload': 'upload-blog'

and then run:

  npm run upload

Alternatively you can download the executables for Mac, Windows or Linux; place the file in your project root folder and run it from there.

Uploading a post

  1. Create a new folder in the source folder, name it with the same name you would like for your post;
  2. Put your images and texts inside the folder;
  3. Run the upload app;

There are few more tricks you can pull but we'll get to that soon enough.


When running the app for the first time, it will automatically create a configuration file, if one didn't exist before. The file is called blog-config.yaml:

  source: src
  target: www
  indexTemplate: src/index-template.html
  postTemplate: src/post-template.html,
  order: ascending,
  maxImageDimension: 0,
  versionFile: package.json
  execute: git add . && git commit - a - m "💬 blog update `date`" && git push

source is the folder containing your original files. Each post should be in a separate folder inside the source folder.

target is where the posts will be compiled and the html files will be created.

indexTemplate is the file that is going to be used as the list of all the posts. If the template file doesn't exists a default version will be created automatically and you can customize it to fit your needs, while keeping the comments that will later be replaced by the generated with real content.

postTemplate is the file that is going to be used per post and will contain all the relevant images and texts. If the template file doesn't exists a default version will be created automatically and you can customize it to fit your needs, while keeping the comments that will later be replaced by the generated with real content.

order determines the order of the posts in the index page. it can be ascending or descending.

maxImageDimension can automatically resize your images to fit the size provided (in pixels) as web photos normally don't need to be bigger than a screen size. If you don't wish to resize your images you can set the value to 0 or remove the line entirely.

versionFile is an optional parameter that points to a JSON file that has a version number. When the parameters points to such file, the version number will be automatically incremented by one. If the number has decimal points, right right-most value will be updated (for example 1.2.3 will be updated to 1.2.4)

execute is an optional parameter that will execute a shell command once the compilation is completed. The default config provides an example (simply remove the word "Example" to make it operational) for how to upload your changes to a git repository, but similarly you can set it to upload to an FTP server or simply copy it to a different folder.

Tips and Tricks

Folders without images aren't posts

A post must have at least one image or a video (that is needed for the homepage), else it will be ignored by the compiler.

Text Content

To add texts to your posts, simply add texts files inside the post's folder. The file can be txt, html, or md (MarkDown).

Image ALT and Caption

Image name will be used as their ALTernative description. To add a caption to the image, create a text file (in any format) with the example same name as the image. For example image.jpg will have its caption at image.jpg.txt (note the two extensions in the caption filename).

File order is the post's order of content

A post elements (images, videos and texts) will appears according to their respective file alphabetical ascending order. So one simple way to enforce a particular order is by adding numbers (with a padding zero else "10" will come before "2") at the beginning of the filenames. If an image as a number as its first "word", these number will be excluded from the ALT description. For example the ALT text for "01 my cat.jpg" would simply be "my cat".

Folder name

A folder name start with specifying the publication date in yyyy-mm-dd format and that won't be part of the post actual name (for example "2020-03-15 Lockdown" will result with a post named "Lockdown" and the publication date of 15th March 2020)

Additionally, you can add hashtags at the end of the folder name and they'll be extracted (e.g. "Lockdown #staySafe" will result with a post named "Lockdown" with the mentioned hashtags). The Hashtags appear at the index page although currently there's no filtering implemented.

Video links

In addition to simply adding video files (mov, avi, mp4, mkv and mpg) you can also neatly link to a video from a different hosting by adding a text file with the suffix .video.txt (for example 03 with a full http link as content and that will appear just like other videos.


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