This plugin allow to integrate EWL (Epsilon Wizard Language and Sirius.
Constructing and refactoring models is undoubtedly a mentally intensive process. However, during modeling, recurring patterns of model update activities typically appear. As an example, when renaming a class in a UML class diagram, the user also needs to manually update the names of association ends that link to the renamed class. Thus, when renaming a class from Chapter to Section, all associations ends that point to the class and are named chapter or chapters should be also renamed to section and sections respectively.
EWL proposes a pragmatic approach for defining these refactorings. EWL provides an integration with EMF and GMF. this plugin simples add an integration with Sirius.
You can use it to provide refactoring for any EMF model conforming to any Ecore metamodel.
- Install Epsilon Query Language and its support for GMF (Eclipse Market place).
- Install Sirius (Eclipse Market place)
- Install the provided plugin.
Write a simple EWL script. You can follow this simple example to write a simple refactoring.
To create an EWL File, File -> other -> epsilon -> new EWL Wizards (See figure below).
Create your refactoring.
The wizard definition contains mainly three parts.
- The guard defines in which condition this refactoring can be applied.
- The description allows developers to define a short human-readable description of its functionality.
- The do section implements the refactoring.
You can easily defines user inputs using * UserInput.prompt*
The provided example just renames two ecore classes.
wizard RenameTwoClassesCase {
guard : self.isKindOf(Collection) and
self.size() = 2 and self.forAll(s|s.isTypeOf(ecore::EClass))
title : 'Rename resource ' + + ' and ' +
do {
var class1 :=;
var class2 :=;
var newName = UserInput.prompt("New Name for Class " +; := newName;
var newName1 = UserInput.prompt("New Term for Class " +; := newName1;
Go to the preference page (Window -> preference)
Go to the epsilon page and add your EWL file. (See figure below)
In the Sirius Ecore editor, select two classes and right click to get the contextual menu, Select wizards and the name of your refactoring.