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dev meeting 20190704

Jeremie Dimino edited this page Apr 22, 2020 · 1 revision

Dune 1.11.0

We are working on the 1.11.0 release which we expect will be the last feature release of the 1.x branch. I.e., new features will go in Dune 2.x only after that. Given the changes we are planning to introduce in Dune 2.x, we expect that a certain number of users will remain at the 1.x language version.

For this reason, we want to make sure that Dune 1.11.0 is mostly feature complete so that users staying at this version of the language can do enough. One thing we are waiting on is the refactoring the module dependency graph management as it because quite tedious after the introduction of virtual libraries, with reported bugs that are pretty hard to debug and understand. This is mostly finished and we should be able to release Dune 1.11.0 soon.

For the record, staying at the 1.x language version means using either the Dune 1.x or Dune 2.x binary but limiting the features used in one's project to the ones supported by Dune 1.x, hence ensuring that the project is compatible with both Dune 1.x and Dune 2.x. Dune makes it easy for a users to do that by simply writing (lang dune <version>) in a toplevel dune-project file. For instance writing (lang dune 1.10) will make Dune refuse to take advantage of features introduced after Dune 1.10.x in this project.

Dune 2.0.0

The aim is to make the release of Dune 2.0.0 as transparent as possible even though we want to change quite a few things. If no opam user notices that we released dune 2.0.0 and no constraint of the form "dune" < "2.0.0" is added to the opam-repository (except for a couple of special cases), then we will have succeeded at this task.

In particular, this will make it much easier for everybody to adopt the Dune 2 binary. We care about users migrating to the Dune 2 binary as this will ensure that we get reports mostly about Dune 2 rather than about both Dune 1 and Dune 2, hence making things more manageable for Dune developers.


We want to make Dune 2 be a pure binary distribution, so that it is easier to package it in various package management systems. For this reason, we need to extract the dune.configurator library. Its code will remain in the dune repository, however it will now be distributed as a separate dune-configurator package. The name dune.configurator will continue to exists so that existing released packages using dune can continue to build without modification.

We will do a first release of dune-configurator based on Dune 1.11.0 so that users can rely on this new package and remain compatible with Dune 1.11.0 if they wish.

Requiring a recent OCaml version to build Dune itself

At the moment, Dune is able to build with all version of OCaml versions since 4.02.3. This fact helped Dune's adoption, but as time goes it is putting more and more pressure on the Dune team. We need to test against more and more OCaml versions in our CI and we cannot use new features of the language.

In order to keep the development of Dune dynamic and keep the project modern, we want to switch to a mode where we move freely to new compilers as they are released. In particular, we plan to require OCaml 4.08 to build Dune 2.0.0. By switching to this mode, When multicore becomes available in OCaml we will be able to take advantage of it immediately.

However, we will continue to support building OCaml projects using all OCaml versions since 4.02.3. More precisely, it will be possible to use a Dune 2.0.0 binary built using OCaml 4.08.0 to build OCaml projects with OCaml 4.02.3. This is not currently supported by opam, however we have an idea to make it work, i.e. to allow installing Dune 2.0.0 in a 4.02.3 opam switch. When the opam switch is older than the minimum version of OCaml required to build Dune 2, it will still be possible to install Dune 2. It will simply take longer. We will wait for this system to be in place before releasing Dune 2.0.0.

Once nice side effect of this change is that it will make it easier to experiment with patched compilers that cannot build Dune in opam. This was the case recently with multicore for instance, since Dune uses the threads library which hadn't been ported to multicore yet.


We quickly discussed the status of duniverse. Support for vendored directories in dune is the last feature required to allow playing with the duniverse tool. This feature is being reviewed so we should be able to experiment with duniverse soon.

Jbuilder compatibility

The original plan was to completely drop support for jbuilder projects in Dune 2.0.0, in order to clean up the Dune code base, and to make Dune 2 and jbuilder non co-installable.

A lot of projects haven't switched to Dune yet, so to avoid the releases of Dune 2 from causing a lot of churn, we decided to make Jbuilder and Dune co-installable since this is easy to do. This will allow to co-install projects using Jbuilder with projects using Dune in opam.

While this helps with opam, this is still not enough for mono-repos and in particular for duniverse. We found a way to provide 90% compatibility with jbuilder projects at a very cheap cost, so we are going to do that. The idea is to simply upgrade jbuild on the fly as we read them. With this method, we only need to keep the upgrader, which is a very self contained feature that won't get in the way of new development.

Using Dune at Jane Street

Jane Street is moving forward with the plan to migrate from Jenga to Dune. Currently, JS is preparing a version of Dune that can understand the internal Jane Street jbuild file format. Once it can understand enough, JS will be able to start experimenting building parts of their big mono-repo with Dune and work torwads making the Dune development experience be at least as good as the Jenga one. This should benefit all Dune users as well.

This version of Dune will be simply the upstream Dune code untouched but linked together with internal JS libraries so that it can interact well with JS internal systems.

This method will ensure maximum sharing of all the general purpose features expected of a good build system while still allowing to have custom internal features that are specific to a particular group of developers.

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