This section describes how to publish a package to Spark Package Repository using "sbt-spark-package"
plugin (for package contains scala or java and python code).
Library building and program execution have been checked in the following environment:
- OS: CentOS 6.9(x64).
- Java: JDK 1.8.0_191.
- Scala: 2.11.8
- Spark: 2.1.0
- sbt: 0.13.6
At first, we will prepare resource following directory structure. Please note that the standard directory layout of one scala/java project is:
- src/main/java/...: include main Java sources.
- src/main/scala/...: inlude main Scala sources.
- src/main/resources/...: contains files to include in main jar. ...
So, the directory structure will be placed as below:
Directory structure
|-- build.sbt
|-- lib
|-- project
|-- src
|...|-- main
|...|...|---- java
|...|...|---- resources
|...|...|---- scala
|-- target
- Step 1: Sign in GitHub by your account.
- Step 2: Create a repository.
- Step 3: Push your source code to this repository. Here is my sample repository:
We can use sbt-spark-package plugin to publish the package which contains any Java sources, Scala sources and Python sources. About sbt-spark-package, please refer to To add this plugin to your source, please open <your_project>/project/plugins.sbt file, then add code in below:
resolvers += "bintray-spark-packages" at ""
addSbtPlugin("org.spark-packages" % "sbt-spark-package" % "0.2.6")
Open <your_project>/project/ file, add code in below to define the sbt version:
The GitHub repository name, the release version, ... are declared in build.sbt (its name can be something, but extension is .sbt
There are some required information that you must add to build.sbt:
- Name of your Spark Package:
spName := "organization/my-awesome-spark-package"
My sample:
spName := "oanhltko/sample_spark"
- Spark Version your package depends on
sparkVersion := "x.x.x"
My sample:
sparkVersion := "2.1.0"
- Define release version
version := "x.x.x"
Note: The release version cannot contain -SNAPSHOT. SNAPSHOT version is not allowed to publish to Spark Package repository.
- Define location which contains zip/jar/pom file which are created:
spDistDirectory := target.value
If you define target.value
, the zip file will be placed in <your_project>/target/ folder.
- Declare the license that is used in your project. Example:
licenses += "Apache-2.0" -> url("")
To register/publish package, you have add short description, description, homepage and credential informations.
- Add short description:
spShortDescription := "<Your one line description of your package>"
- Add description:
spDescription := """<My long description.
|Could be multiple lines long.
| - My package can do this,
| - My package can do that.>""".stripMargin
- Add credential:
credentials += Credentials(Path.userHome / ".ivy2" / ".sbtcredentials")
Open <user_home>/.ivy2/.sbtcredentials file, then add code in below to define the credential information:
realm=Spark Packages Realm
user=<username> // Fill your GitHub username
To get <personal_access_token_of_GitHub_account>, please refer to
Note: During generate access token key, when define access scopes for personal tokens, you must choose only read:org
access right in admin:org
section to authenticate ownership of the repo.
- Declare the homepage:
spHomepage := // Set this if you want to specify a web page other than your github repository.
My sample:
spHomepage :=
- Define contents for making pom: You can define some information for making pom.xml file by:
pomExtra := // Add your pom contents
My sample:
pomExtra :=
<name>Lai Thi Kim Oanh</name>
The Release Artifact is a zip file that includes a jar
file and a pom
file. The name of the artifact must be in the format $GITHUB_REPO_NAME-$
. Similarly, the name of the jar and the pom must be $GITHUB_REPO_NAME-$VERSION.jar
- My GitHub package repository is, release version is 1.0.0, my artifact is:
. This zip file containssample_spark-1.0.1.jar
To generate jar file, run the command
$cd <your_project>
$sbt spPackage
To generate pom file, run the command:
$sbt spMakePom
To generate pom file, run the command:
$sbt spDist
There are 2 ways to register a package to Spark Package Repository.
Step 1: Go to, login by GitHub account and fill the information of package. -- name: Select a package from your GitHub repository -- short description: Short description about package -- description: Description about the package -- homepage: Url to your package in GitHub repository (It is automatically filled after you select package from GitHub repository)
Step 2: Click on "Submit" button. After that, your package is submitted for verification. Please wait confirmation from administrator (It maybe take a time).
Run the command in below to register the package:
$sbt spRegister
Run the command to publish:
$sbt spPublish
The release tag to browse source code is the latest commit ID before publishing package.
After run this command, you can see the information:
SUCCESS: Successfully submitted release for validation. You may follow your progress on<xxxx>
[success] Total time: 2 s, completed Dec 4, 2018 2:58:33 PM
Go to to check status of your package. If your paackage is published successful, the state is changed to valid
To include this package in your Spark Applications, please refer to How to [+]
section in your spark package repo.