This is my blog. You can see it live here.
Feel free to use any of this for your own, but please give me credit where due. All files are licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License
Jumbo images must conform to this spec:
Article metadata: Jumbo_image: images/article-slug/image.jpg Jumbo_color: [dark|light] Jumbo_attr: Text goes here Jumbo_attr_link: http://full.url/and/path Small_image: images/article-slug/image.jpg
Jumbo_image should be 1920x1080
Small_image should be 768x432
Run pelican and dev server on port 8000
make devserver
Optionally run sass on theme styles.
cd theme/static/styles
sass --watch theme.scss:theme.css
make clean
make publish
make rsync_upload