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Thomas Holterbach edited this page Apr 19, 2022 · 4 revisions

BGP prefix hijacking

During the project, we like to hijack students' prefixes so they need to mitigate it using more specific advertisements or using RPKI+ROV. We employ scripts to automatically hijacks the students prefixes. The script utils/hijacks/ is the core script used to generate hijacks.

This script takes the following mandatory arguments

Argument #1: the hijacker AS.
Argument #2: the hijacked prefix.
Argument #3: the sequence number used within the prefix-list (just write something like 100 and it should work).

For instance, the following command will make AS5 hijack part of AS6's prefix:

./run_hijack 5

There are two optional arguments:

--clear: To undo an hijack.
--origin_as X: To perform a Type-1 hijack where X is the origin of the hijacked route.

Network-wide hijacks

Using the script you can then activate hijacks for every student group. We do this in the scripts, and