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buehlert edited this page May 30, 2022 · 3 revisions

Delete the mini-Internet

The are two ways to delete the mini-Internet. First, you can delete all the virtual ethernet pairs, docker containers, OVS switches and OpenVPN processes used in the mini-Internet (as well as the created groups folder) with the following command:

sudo ./cleanup/ .

However, this script uses the configuration files as basis, thus if they have changed since the time the mini-Internet was built, or if the mini-Internet did not set up properly, some parts might not be deleted. That could be problematic if you try to start a new mini-Internet afterwards. We thus also provide a script that simply deletes all the ethernet pairs, containers, switches and OpenVPN processes.

⚠️ ⚠️ ⚠️ This also includes containers, switches and ethernet pairs which do not belong to the mini-Internet (e.g., your very important Docker container running experiments)!

sudo ./cleanup/