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Lightweight and efficient bridge between webview and native app (iOS connector)


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This Swift module is the native part of a RPC communication bridge between your app and a webview javascript. It is designed to work together with its javascript counterpart, nrkno/nativebridge.


In addition to nrkno/nativebridge, nativebridge-ios relies on WKWebView and script message handlers to work.


nativebridge-ios is available through CocoaPods. To install it, simply add the following line to your Podfile:

pod 'nativebridge-ios'


To run the example project, clone the repo, and run pod install from the Example directory first.


All communication with the javascript is managed through the WebViewConnnection class.

Communication follows a protocol where messages are sent back and forth between the javascript and your code. Messages have a topic, and some data. The data must implement the Codable protocol.

Establishing the javscript connection

One must configure the WKWebView instance by adding a script message handler (WKScriptMessageHandler) that will listen to messages sent to 'nativebridgeiOS'.

See the example project for details on how to do this.

Sending data

let data = SomeDataType()
webViewConnection.send(data: data, for: Topic.someTopic)

Adding topic handlers

In order to react on messages sent from the javascript, one must add handlers to the WebViewConnnection instance:

webViewConnection.addHandler(for Topic.someTopic, {
    (input: InputDataType, connection) in {
        let message = "Received incoming: '\(input.inputMessage)'"
        let output = OutputData(outputMessage: message)
        connection.send(data: output, for: Topic.someTopic)


nativebridge-ios is available under the MIT license. See the LICENSE file for more info.