SundeedQLite is available through CocoaPods. CocoaPods is a dependency manager that automates and simplifies the process of using 3rd-party libraries like MarkdownKit in your projects. You can install CocoaPods with the following command:
gem install cocoapods
To integrate SundeedQLite into your Xcode project using CocoaPods, simply add the following line to your Podfile:
pod "SundeedQLite"
Afterwards, run the following command:
pod install
To install SundeedQLite using SPM,
dependencies: [
url: "",
from: "3.0.0"
- + : It's used to mark the primary key in the database.
- << : It's used to mark the ASCENDING sorting method
- >> : It's used to mark the DESCENDING sorting method
- <~> : It's used to map between objects returned from the database to specific property
- <*> : It's used to state that if this property is returned nil from the database, the whole parent object shall be dropped.
- <**> : It's used to state that if this array was empty, or one of the elements was mandatory ( <*> ), the whole parent object shall be dropped
- Primary keys should always be strings.
- To create a nested object (e.g: Employee), both Employer and Employee should have primary keys.
- SundeedQLiter Objects
- String
- Int
- Double
- Float
- Bool
- Date
- UIImage
- Array
- Data
- enum/struct (see below documentation)
- Nested objects will be normally saved
- Optional and non-optional values of the above mentioned types will also be saved
- Arrays of objects or primitive data type will be saved
- No nil returned value from the database shall be added to an array while retrieving
To Listen to events happening you can always add any listener with a block of code to be executed when the event happens.
- Save
- Update
- Retrieve
- Delete
- AllEvents
P.S: Always remember to save an instance of this listener to stop it whenever it's not needed anymore.
To prepare your Models, you need the class to conform to SundeedQLiter
which has two mandatory functions
public protocol SundeedQLiter: AnyObject {
/** A function that describes all the mappings between database and object */
func sundeedQLiterMapping(map: SundeedQLiteMap)
this mapping will have all the details that the library needs to create the corresponding SQLite tables.
import SundeedQLite
class Employer: SundeedQLiter {
var id: String!
var fullName: String?
var employees: [Employee]?
required init() {}
func sundeedQLiterMapping(map: SundeedQLiteMap) {
id <~> map["id"]+
fullName <~> map["fullName"]<<
employees <~> map["employees"]
class Employee: SundeedQLiter {
var id: String!
var firstName: String?
required init() {}
func sundeedQLiterMapping(map: SundeedQLiteMap) {
id <~> map["id"]+
firstName <~> map["firstName"]
To save an instance of a Model, you just need to call .save(withForeignKey foreignKey: String? = nil)
function on the instance itself and it should be sufficient to create the table with the right columns and propagate the data, and of course call the right listeners (mentioned at a later stage in this documentation).
To save an instance of a Model, you just need to call .save(withForeignKey foreignKey: String? = nil)
function on the instance itself and it should be sufficient to create the table with the right columns and propagate the data, and of course call the right listeners (mentioned at a later stage in this documentation).
The foreign key gives the ability to save a specific instance and link it to another one.
let employer = Employer() = "ABCD-1234-EFGH-5678"
employer.fullName = "Nour Sandid"
let employee = Employee()
employee.firstName = "Nour"
await "ABCD-1234-EFGH-5678")
You can also save an array of SundeedQLiter
let employer1 = Employer() = "ABCD-1234-EFGH-5678"
employer1.fullName = "Nour Sandid"
let employer2 = Employer() = "IJKL-9123-MNOP-4567"
employer2.fullName = "Test Employer"
// time to save
let employers = [employer1, employer2]
To update an instance of a Model, you need to update the value in that instance, and then call the update(columns: SundeedColumn...) throws
function. This will update the instance value in the database, and of course call the right listeners (mentioned at a later stage in this documentation).
let employer = Employer() = "ABCD-1234-EFGH-5678"
employer.fullName = "Nour Sandid"
employer.fullName = "Test"
await employer.update(columns: SundeedColumn("fullName")) // this string should be exactly as the one in the `sundeedQLiterMapping` function.
To update all instances of the same type from the database, you can call the static function update(changes: SundeedUpdateSetStatement..., withFilter filter: SundeedExpression<Bool>? = nil) async throws)
that would update specific columns for all the rows respecting the filters.
let employer = Employer() = "ABCD-1234-EFGH-5678"
employer.fullName = "Nour Sandid"
// time to update
do {
try await CoreUser.update(changes: SundeedColumn("fullName") <~ "Test",
withFilter: SundeedColumn("fullName") == "Nour Sandid")
} catch {
To delete an instance, you need to call the delete(deleteSubObjects: Bool = false) async throws -> Bool
function that will delete the instance from the database and return a boolean if it was deleted or not, and of course call the right listeners (mentioned at a later stage in this documentation).
You can use deleteSubObjects
to propagate the deletion of the object to it's sub-objects (in the properties)
let employer = Employer() = "ABCD-1234-EFGH-5678"
employer.fullName = "Nour Sandid"
// time to delete
await employer.delete()
To delete all the instances of the same type from the database, you can call the static function delete(withFilter filters: SundeedExpression<Bool>...)
, you can also pass filters to be more specific.
let employer = Employer() = "ABCD-1234-EFGH-5678"
employer.fullName = "Nour Sandid"
// time to delete
await employer.delete(withFilter: SundeedColumn("fullName") == "Nour Sandid")
To retrieve instances saved previously in the database, you need to call the static function .retrieve(withFilter filter: SundeedExpression<Bool>? = nil, orderBy order: SundeedColumn? = nil, ascending asc: Bool = true, excludeIfIsForeign: Bool = false) async -> [Self]
, which will retrieve all the instance of that type respecting the filters and the order. excludeIfIsForeign
is responsible to exclude all the instances that are related to other instances (values for properties in other instances)
let employee = Employee()
employee.firstName = "Nour"
let employer = Employer() = "ABCD-1234-EFGH-5678"
employer.fullName = "Nour Sandid"
employer.employees = [employee]
let data = await Employee.retrieve()
print(data) // [Employee(firstName: "Nour")]
// now since employee is not an independent instance, it will be excluded from the below result.
let data = await Employee.retrieve(excludeIfIsForeign: true)
print(data) // []
let data = await Employee.retrieve(withFilter: SundeedColumn("firstName") == "Nour", excludeIfIsForeign: true)
print(data) // [Employee(firstName: "Nour")]
let data = await Employer.retrieve(withFilter: SundeedColumn("fullName") == "Nour Sandid", orderBy: SundeedColumn("fullName"), ascending: false, excludeIfIsForeign: true)
print(data) // [Employer(id: "ABCD-1234-EFGH-5678", firstName: "Nour", employees: [Employee(firstName: "Nour")])]
To add listeners, you need to call the .on#EVENT#Events(_ function: @escaping (_ object: Self) -> Void)
, and pass a block of code that will be called whenever a specific event is triggered
The function block will be called whenever a save event happens on the database for a specific class type or an instance.
let employerSaveListener: Listener? = employer.onSaveEvents({ (object) in
let allEmployersSaveListener: Listener? = Employer.onSaveEvents({ (object) in
deinit {
The function block will be called whenever an update event happens on the database for a specific class type or an instance.
let employerUpdateListener: Listener? = employer.onUpdateEvents({ (object) in
let allEmployersUpdateListener: Listener? = Employer.onUpdateEvents({ (object) in
deinit {
The function block will be called whenever a delete event happens on the database for a specific class type or an instance.
let employerDeleteListener: Listener? = employer.onDeleteEvents({ (object) in
let allEmployersDeleteListener: Listener? = Employer.onDeleteEvents({ (object) in
deinit {
The function block will be called whenever a retrieve event happens from the database for a specific class type or an instance.
let employerRetrieveListener: Listener? = employer.onRetrieveEvents({ (object) in
let allEmployersRetrieveListener: Listener? = Employer.onRetrieveEvents({ (object) in
deinit {
The function block will be called on any event happening on the database for a specific class type or an instance.
let employerAllListener: Listener? = employer.onAllEvents({ (object) in
let allEmployersAllListener: Listener? = Employer.onAllEvents({ (object) in
deinit {
To save variables with custom types like enum or struct, you can use SundeedQLiteConverter
class TypeConverter: SundeedQLiteConverter {
func fromString(value: String) -> Any? {
return Type(rawValue: value)
func toString(value: Any?) -> String? {
return (value as? Type)?.rawValue
enum Type: String {
case manager
case ceo
class Employer: SundeedQLiter {
var type: Type?
func sundeedQLiterMapping(map: SundeedQLiteMap) {
type <~> (map["type"], TypeConverter())
let employers = await Employer.retrieve()
for employer in employers {
let employers = await Employer.retrieve(withFilter: SundeedColumn("fullName") == "Nour Sandid",
orderBy: SundeedColumn("fullName"),
ascending: true)
for employer in employers {