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An alternative reading client for the


Made by @noskovvkirill Find me on Twitter or [email protected]

Contributions are welcomed :-)

Goals and principles

✦✦✦ Curation ✦ Reading as a shared experience and exploration
✦ Mirror as a protocol to build on, not the platform ✦ Highly customizable

Design exploration

Random explorations when thinking in code doesnt work


Work is divided into four parts: design, frontend, backend, contracts

Backend & Frontend — [X] Text search, better indexing — [X] Improve sync infrastrcture — [ ] Support/indexing for non-members publication + frontend work

  • Notifications & Subscribtions
  • Auction & Editions Airdrop Embeds — [ ] Favourites only feed, members only feed, spaces feed and etc. Should provide a complete overview of
  • Separate feed for all different blocks within mirror
  • Quadratic voting for the best entries in Explore tab

Contract & Web3

  • NFT Derivatives (possibility to create highlights & extract pieces of content with the attribution to initial creator). Glass hyperlink protocol. Maybe it's simpler than staking (?) or keep both (remint/remix or stake)
  • Staking economy doesn't work — it simply generated the extra coins for the authors. I need someones help to make it work sustainably — it has to be a combination from space creationg (NFT minting), bonding curve pricing, protocol owned liquidity. I'm not competent enough for that yet.
  • Arweave test (split document into blocks with their own CID). It may be the key for the atomic content curation in the future
  • Design the NFT game for the spaces (it has to be exciting to mint, it should be scarce and crypto native [no IPFS]) to enable growth — [ ] GraphAPI add support for transfers (spaces NFT improvement) — [ ] Royalties to support work of curators (?) — [ ] Test multisig ownership of the publication — [ ] How do we reward authors? Right now the func is quite random and generic. Looking into other staking contracts

Design — [ ] How would 2 step process for groups/publications with review would work? Can we recreate traditional publishing experience with a combination of Mirror (creation) and MirrorFeed (curation & exploration)?
— [ ] Change copy


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