This application allows to import emails directly from a maildir formatted folder to WildDuck email database, skipping any IMAP based syncing. This is mostly useful for speed and also if you do not know user passwords required for IMAP access.
npm install --production
Database config can be changed in config/default.toml
./bin/import-maildir user1:/maildir/path1 user2:/maildir/path2 userN:/maildir/pathN
- userX is either WildDuck user ID (24 byte hex), username or an email address. This user must already exist (should have been created via WildDuck API)
- /maildir/pathX is the maildir folder for that user
Create users
curl -i -XPOST http://localhost:8080/users \
-H 'Content-type: application/json' \
-d '{
"username": "user1",
"password": "verysecret",
"address": "[email protected]"
curl -i -XPOST http://localhost:8080/users \
-H 'Content-type: application/json' \
-d '{
"username": "user2",
"password": "verysecret",
"address": "[email protected]"
Run the importer
./bin/import-maildir user1:./fixtures/user1 user2:./fixtures/user2
The output should look like this
Processing 2 users
info 1540106306097 Master Starting importer
info 1540106306098 Master Generate folders only: NO (--foldersOnly)
info 1540106306104 Master Forked worker 66829
Once import has finished there should be some log files in current directory. See messagelog.txt to see which file from maildir was imported into which message in WildDuck message database:
[2018-10-21 07:18:33] 66818 ./import-maildir/fixtures/user1/cur/1505297735.M810083P6469V000000000000FC00I0000000000044B99_3.ubuntu,S=9:2,F created STORENEW 5bcc2810bec32003b9e6bbc4/5bcc284855ab6a050e1575d3
- STORENEW means that message was stored
- STORESKIP means that a duplicate was found and message was not stored
- STOREFAIL means that message was not stored because of some error
EUPL 1.1 or later