Send a cross process message if message channel is connected. Avoid channel closed error throw out.
npm install sendmessage --save
import { fork } from 'node:child_process';
import { sendmessage } from 'sendmessage';
const worker = fork('./worker.js');
sendmessage(worker, { hi: 'this is a message to worker' });
import { sendmessage } from 'sendmessage';
sendmessage(process, { hello: 'this is a message to master' });
Send a cross process message.
If a process is not child process, this will just call process.emit('message', message)
- childProcess: child process instance
- message: the message need to send
sendmessage(process, { hello: 'this is a message to master' });
You can switch to process.emit('message', message)
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