chore: Update dependency cspell to v8.10.4 #909
on: pull_request
2 errors
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body: `{"body":"# What's Changed\\n\\n## 🚀 Features\\n\\n- feat: Add Alert Method types (#475) @nieomylnieja\\n- feat: PC-12940/PC-12941 Allow to configure budget drop condition type (#423) @nobl9-adam-szymanski\\n- feat: PC-13027 PC-13029 Add Azure Monitor managed service for Prometh… (#437) @dawidwisn\\n\\n## 🐞 Bug Fixes\\n\\n- fix: Double quoted JSON handling (#471) @nieomylnieja\\n- fix: composite slo name and displayName validation [PC-12850] (#445) @nikodemrafalski\\n\\n## 🧰 Maintenance\\n\\n<details>\\n<summary>37 changes</summary>\\n\\n- chore: Update dependency cspell to v8.10.0 (#480) @renovate\\n- chore: Update module to v1.54.14 (#479) @renovate\\n- chore: Update module to v1.54.12 (#478) @renovate\\n- chore: Correct Alert Method type names (#476) @nieomylnieja\\n- chore: Update module to v1.54.11 (#474) @renovate\\n- chore: Update module to v1.54.10 (#473) @renovate\\n- chore: Update module to v1.54.9 (#472) @renovate\\n- chore: Update module to v1.54.8 (#470) @renovate\\n- chore: Update module to v1.54.7 (#469) @renovate\\n- chore: Update module to v1.54.6 (#468) @renovate\\n- chore: Update dependency cspell to v8.9.1 (#467) @renovate\\n- chore: Update module to v1.54.5 (#465) @renovate\\n- chore: Update dependency cspell to v8.9.0 (#466) @renovate\\n- chore: Change objects print to encode (#463) @nieomylnieja\\n- chore: Update module to v1.54.3 (#464) @renovate\\n- chore: Move object-impl generator to cmd (
HttpError: Validation Failed: {"resource":"Release","code":"invalid","field":"target_commitish"}
at /home/runner/work/_actions/release-drafter/release-drafter/v6/dist/index.js:8462:21
at process.processTicksAndRejections (node:internal/process/task_queues:95:5)
at async Job.doExecute (/home/runner/work/_actions/release-drafter/release-drafter/v6/dist/index.js:30793:18)
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